3060 results:

AfDB to Cooperate with South Sudan in Water Sector

AfDB to Cooperate with South Sudan in Water Sector Source: PR Newswire The African Development Bank Group has approved a grant for an assessment study of a water supply and sanitation…

The Africa Information Highway Initiative: How information facilitates GDP growth

The Africa Information Highway Initiative: How information facilitates GDP growth Source: PR Newswire The African Development Bank (AfDB) is a major developmental partner in Africa that uses…

L´Afrique pour

L´Afrique pour Source: Contrepoints par François de Senneville Alors que les économies européennes et américaines se contentent de montrer de légers frémissements positifs, l´Afrique confirme son…

L'Algérie découvre un important gisement de pétrole

L'Algérie découvre un important gisement de pétrole Source: Le Monde.fr La compagnie nationale algérienne d'hydrocarbures Sonatrach a découvert un nouveau champ pétrolifère d'environ 1,3 milliard…

Démarrage des travaux du tronçon autoroutier Mednine-Ras jedir

Démarrage des travaux du tronçon autoroutier Mednine-Ras jedir Source: L'Economiste par Mohsen Tiss Les travaux de réalisation de l´autoroute Mednine - Ras Jedir ont été lancés dernièrement. Ce…

Think Tanks Chart the Path for Africa's Accelerated Transformation Through Regional Integration

Think Tanks Chart the Path for Africa's Accelerated Transformation Through Regional Integration Source: All Africa Africa is well positioned to chart the path for transformation through regional…

The Role Of Public-Private Partnerships In Africa

The Role Of Public-Private Partnerships In Africa
 Source: Ventures Africa In September 2012, at The Economist´s Future Cities conference in Lagos, Nigeria, Mariam Yunusa, Project Leader for the UN…

Lagos- Algiers Trans-Saharan Highway will reduce transport costs, boost intra-African trade- NEPAD

Lagos- Algiers Trans-Saharan Highway will reduce transport costs, boost intra-African trade- NEPAD Source:NAN The NEPAD chief said Africa was the least integrated continent in the world. The Chief…

Warsaw climate conference: Africa urged to agree on adaptation funds

Warsaw climate conference: Africa urged to agree on adaptation funds Source: Pana The Third Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-III), meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,…

Can Africa dodge 'curse' of new oil wealth?

Can Africa dodge 'curse' of new oil wealth? Source: The Christian Science Monitor Technology and geology are converging to unlock billions of barrels of oil across much of Africa in the coming…

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