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AfDB reports significant opportunities of shale gas production in Africa in a new publication

AfDB reports significant opportunities of shale gas production in Africa in a new publication Several African countries have potentially viable shale gas deposits, which, if developed, could lead to…

Infrastructure Financing Trends in Africa 2012

This comprehensive report provides an easy-to-read description of the infrastructure financing trends in Africa. It includes specific information and how and where major donors are supporting…

Environmental concerns cloud path of African power plans

Environmental concerns cloud path of African power plans Business Day Within days of each other in June, President Barack Obama and US legislators across the spectrum announced a push to lift…

East Africa Oil Discoveries Breed Challenges

East Africa Oil Discoveries Breed Challenges Voice of America Significant oil reserves have been discovered in Uganda and Kenya in recent years. However before Kenyans and Ugandans can benefit from…

Africa adopts Islamic sukuk to fund big infrastructure projects

Africa adopts Islamic sukuk to fund big infrastructure projects Financial Times Africa is for the first time embracing large-scale Islamic finance as countries seek to tap cash-rich Middle Eastern…

US $14.7 billion invested in African clean energy since 2007

US $14.7 billion invested in African clean energy since 2007 Africa Investor Between 2011 and 2012, the African Development Bank (AfDB) increased by 92% its investment in clean energy in Africa,…

Afrobaromètre 2013 : Le téléphone mobile se porte bien en Afrique

Afrobaromètre 2013 : Le téléphone mobile se porte bien en Afrique TechMissus Sept africains sur 10 possèdent leurs propres téléphones portables. C´est ce qui ressort de l´enquête Afrobaromètre 2013…

Aérien : les aéroports africains décollent-ils?

Aérien : les aéroports africains décollent-ils? Jeune Afrique Sur le continent, le trafic devrait tripler d'ici à 2029. Mais si les aménagements aéroportuaires ne suivent pas l'évolution de la…

Why the world's technology giants are investing in Africa

Why the world's technology giants are investing in Africa
 BBC "I don't understand. Why is it that the media only seems to talk about Africa when bad things happen?" The man behind the…

Infrastructure boom propels African economy

Infrastructure boom propels African economy ERTA (Ethiopia) The Loan Market Association (LMA) says that seven out of the 10 fastest growing economies in the world over the next decade will be …

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