3060 results:

Too Much Public Funding is Going into Coal Projects in Key Countries: Preliminary Findings Show

Too Much Public Funding is Going into Coal Projects in Key Countries: Preliminary Findings Show The Huffington Post Since 2007, over $59 billion of public financing has supported coal projects…

The Future of Water Sustainability

The Future of Water Sustainability The Economist Multinational companies have historically taken water availability for granted. But this is changing. A 2013 World Economic Forum report named water…

POWER-GEN Africa's big plans for 2014 conferences

POWER-GEN Africa's big plans for 2014 conferences African Business Review With more than 2,100 attending last year's inaugural POWER-GEN Africa 2012, organisers expect 2014 to be a big one for…

A quelle énergie africaine les USA s'intéressent-ils?

A quelle énergie africaine les USA s'intéressent-ils? Libération Jocelyne Sambira, d'Africa Renewal écrivait dans un article 12 novembre 2013 que dans cinq ans l'Afrique pourrait connaître des…

Nigeria sees strong growth but oil account fears rise

Nigeria sees strong growth but oil account fears rise Financial Times Nigeria´s economy expanded at the fastest rate this year in the third quarter, but the country´s fiscal situation has…

Eskom Declares South Africa Emergency on Power-Cut Risks

Eskom Declares South Africa Emergency on Power-Cut Risks Bloomberg Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd., which generates 95 percent of South Africa´s electricity, declared an emergency after it lost generati ng…

Barrages hydroélectriques : imbroglio contractuel avec Coder Gabon

Barrages hydroélectriques : imbroglio contractuel avec Coder Gabon Gabon Review 700 milliards de francs CFA ! Telle serait la somme que l´Etat gabonais sera amené à payer en cas de résiliation…

AfDB fully supports low-carbon transport agenda at UN Climate Talks

AfDB fully supports low-carbon transport agenda at UN Climate Talks All Africa "Mainstreaming adaptation and climate change resilience into transport infrastructure development is a gradual…

Africa experiences the most road fatalities in the world

Africa experiences the most road fatalities in the world New Era Even though the African region remains the least motorised region in the world, the same cannot be said regarding road traffic…

Africa: Coal Industry Must Diversify to Avert Worst Impacts of Climate Change - UN Official

Africa: Coal Industry Must Diversify to Avert Worst Impacts of Climate Change - UN Official UN News Service 

The coal industry must radically transform and diversify to avoid the worst impacts of…

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