3060 results:

Cap-Vert: L'énergie des ondes pour dessaler l'eau de mer

Cap-Vert: L'énergie des ondes pour dessaler l'eau de mer Pana Le Cap-Vert veut utiliser l'énergie des ondes pour dessaler l'eau de la mer - Un projet-pilote de la technologie de dessalage de l'eau…

Southern Africa: Kariba Dam Collapse Fears and Disaster Preparedness in Zimbabwe

Southern Africa: Kariba Dam Collapse Fears and Disaster Preparedness in Zimbabwe IRIN Could fears of the imminent collapse of the more than five-decade-old Kariba Dam on the Zambezi river between…

Infrastructure development in Africa

Infrastructure development in Africa Railways Africa The competitiveness of African countries in international and local markets is severely hampered by transport costs, said to be 63% higher than…

Nigeria water market associated with distinct lack of legislation and regulation

Nigeria water market associated with distinct lack of legislation and regulation Live-PR.com Nigeria's water sector is severely underdeveloped and there is a distinct lack of legislation and…

Guebuza calls for infrastructure investment in Africa

Guebuza calls for infrastructure investment in Africa APA Mozambican President Armando Guebuza says investment in transport, communications and energy infrastructures is not just a business…

Énergie : "L'Afrique vit un apartheid"

Énergie : "L'Afrique vit un apartheid" Le Point.fr Ces mots sont du président de la Banque mondiale. Pour Jim Yong Kim, les Africains sont "privés de l'accès généralisé à l'électricité dont…

AFDB Plans $200 Million Boost to Nigeria’s Power Risk Guarantees

AFDB Plans $200 Million Boost to Nigeria’s Power Risk Guarantees Bloomberg The African Development Bank is in talks with Nigerian officials to boost the value of its partial-risk guarantee for…

Corridor Transport Observatory Guidelines

This easy-to-use guidebook has tools and instructions that help corridor management institutions Regional Economic Communities, and corridor stakeholders with a the means to develop a Transport…

Life Cycle Carbon Footprint of the North-South Corridor Road Network

The aim of the life cycle carbon footprint study is to get a baseline on the carbon impact of the North-South Corridor road network and to understand the relative importance of the different phases…

Pricing Water Resources to Finance their Sustainable Management – A Think-Piece for the EUWI Finance Working Group

This document was written to spark discussion amongst water policy-makers, water managers and water experts in development organizations - about the options regarding water pricing as a means for…

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