3060 results:

Africa's transport challenges highlighted in report

Africa's transport challenges highlighted in report Business Day Despite South Africa and the rest of Africa's hopes of becoming the next investment frontier, companies still perceived China,…

Zambia: Climate Change to Cost Zambia U.S.$53 Million in Next Five Years - AfDB

Zambia: Climate Change to Cost Zambia U.S.$53 Million in Next Five Years - AfDB Times of Zambia by Kennedy Mupeseni CLIMATE change will cost Zambia US$53 million in the next five years if measures…

Egypt signs power plant electrical operations contracts in Egypt

Egypt signs power plant electrical operations contracts in Egypt Egypt Commercial News The Egyptian Ministry of Electricity has signed three contracts for electrical operations in the 650MW steam…

Opening up of Aviation Services in Africa – Phase I Review Report

This is the first phase of a study that  addresses next steps in promoting efficient African aviation services. Specifically, this study assesses the Yamoussoukro Decision Implementation, and…

Africa's Emerging Market Boom

Africa's Emerging Market Boom Forbes These days, the mere mention of emerging markets is probably enough to make investment bankers break out in a cold sweat. Recent darlings of the investment…

La Banque mondiale suspend le financement d'un barrage hydroélectrique au Cameroun

La Banque mondiale suspend le financement d'un barrage hydroélectrique au Cameroun APANEWS La Banque mondiale (BM) a décidé de geler ses financements, de lordre de 66 milliards FCFA, destinés au…

Uganda: Donors pledge Shs968b for power lines

Uganda: Donors pledge Shs968b for power lines Daily Monitor The African Development Bank (ADB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have both committed Shs350.5 billion towards the…

Pour les infrastructures en Afrique centrale, le FMI recommande les montages PPP

Pour les infrastructures en Afrique centrale, le FMI recommande les montages PPP Agence Ecofin A en croire Anne-Marie Gulde Wolf, la directrice adjointe du département Afrique du FMI, qui prend…

Mozambique: 44 millions $ de l´AFD pour la réhabilitation des pistes de l´aéroport de Maputo

Mozambique: 44 millions $ de l´AFD pour la réhabilitation des pistes de l´aéroport de Maputo Agence Ecofin L´Agence française de développement (AFD) vient d´accorder au gouvernement mozambicain…

AFC To Tackle Africa´s Infrastructure & Investment Deficit

AFC To Tackle Africa´s Infrastructure & Investment Deficit The Africa Finance Corporation (AFC)  an African-led multilateral development financial institution whose mission is to improve…

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