3060 results:

World Bank to Finance New Hydropower Development in Burundi

World Bank to Finance New Hydropower Development in Burundi World Bank The World Bank Group's Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$100 million grant to the Republic of Burundi for the…

MoU to help AfDB focus on infrastructure

MoU to help AfDB focus on infrastructure Infrastructure News The African Development Bank (AfDB) and Africare have signed a 5-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen the Bank's…

Investors scramble for Emerging Nigerian oil firm Seplat

Investors scramble for Emerging Nigerian oil firm Seplat Business Day Investors are betting on the emergence of a Nigerian made global brand or African champion in the oil and gas space with the…

Bringing Power to Africa, Literally

Bringing Power to Africa, Literally FreeNewsPos.com During President Obama's trip to Africa in 2013, he made four major commitments. Some in his administration have referred to the commitment as…

Focus on Africa, says tech investor

Focus on Africa, says tech investor News24 Emerging markets are where investors should focus their energies to secure a place in the next wave of growth in technology companies, an industry insider…

Transport infrastructure before development

Transport infrastructure before development The Africa Report While African governments and development partners are investing more in roads and rails infrastructure much more needs to be done for…

Addis Ababa to host US-Africa Energy Summit

Addis Ababa to host US-Africa Energy Summit The Reporter The governments of Ethiopia and the United States will co-host the US-Africa Energy Ministerial (AEM) meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from…

Nile dam study fails to stem the tide of Egyptian indignation towards Ethiopia

Nile dam study fails to stem the tide of Egyptian indignation towards Ethiopia Guardian.co.uk Claim and counter-claim has attended the delayed publication of a report on the likely impact of the…

Water Wars? Think Again: Conflict Over Freshwater Structural Rather Than Strategic

Water Wars? Think Again: Conflict Over Freshwater Structural Rather Than Strategic Sodere Ethiopians News and Entertainment The global water wars are almost upon us!At least that´s how it seems to…

Transport: Aviation and Maritime reforms beckon

Transport: Aviation and Maritime reforms beckon The Africa Report Africa's aviation industry is beginning to pick up thanks to the continent's impressive economic growth, but with seaports…

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