3060 results:

Foreign investment in Africa set to reach record

Foreign investment in Africa set to reach record Financial Times Africa will receive its highest flow of foreign investment this year as the continent's growth accelerates towards levels not seen…

AfDB Jumpstarts New Infrastructure Fund with $500m

AfDB Jumpstarts New Infrastructure Fund with $500m This Day The African Development Bank (AfDB) has said it is spearheading a new initiative on infrastructure development financing with the…

AfDB has $115m for Nairobi road

AfDB has $115m for Nairobi road East African Business Week The African Development Bank (AfDB) is set to finance nearly 90% of the $130 million Nairobi urban road improvement project by way of a…

Close the infrastructure deficit

Close the infrastructure deficit The New Times Infrastructure deficit is a big problem in Africa estimated to reduce industrial production by 40 per cent and making the cost of doing business very…

African ministers make progress on the Africa Power Vision

African ministers make progress on the Africa Power Vision News Business Ethiopia A ministerial consultation on the Africa Power Vision took place on the margins of the World Economic Forum on…

Énergie : le Grand Inga devient un projet pilote pour l'Afrique

Énergie : le Grand Inga devient un projet pilote pour l'Afrique Agence d'Information d'Afrique Centrale La recommandation a été faite à tous les ministres en charge du secteur de mener un…

Financement des infrastructures en Afrique : la Bad lance bientôt le fonds « Africa 50 »

Financement des infrastructures en Afrique : la Bad lance bientôt le fonds « Africa 50 » La Nouvelle Tribune.info Le développement de l´Afrique passe, également, par le renforcement de son capital…

Pourquoi l'Afrique n'a pas la fibre numérique ?

Pourquoi l'Afrique n'a pas la fibre numérique ? Jeune Afrique Manque d'infrastructures, faiblesse de la concurrence et services inadaptés... Le continent rate la révolution qui pourrait booster sa…

Will Kenya or Uganda be east Africa's first oil producer?

Will Kenya or Uganda be east Africa's first oil producer? Guardian.co.uk Two countries press ahead with production, boosting hopes of increased revenues and job creation, but obstacles remain. The…

Local infrastructure development key to Africa's economic growth

Local infrastructure development key to Africa's economic growth CNBC The capital dependence on foreign direct investment for infrastructural development has been problematic for the African…

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