3060 results:

Southern African Power Market--Project Information Document (PID)

Cooperation in the electricity sector is not a new phenomenon in the Southern African region. One of the first bilateral cooperative projects was the construction of a transmission line between Nseke…

AICD: Underpowered: The State of the Power Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is in the midst of a power crisis marked by insufficient generating capacity,unreliable supplies, high prices, and low rates of popular access to the electricity grid. The…

Une centrale de géothermie et de biogaz pourrait être construite à Djibouti

Une centrale de géothermie et de biogaz pourrait être construite à Djibouti Une centrale de géothermie et de biogaz pourrait voir le jour à Djibouti grâce a un investissement du groupe de BTP…

Nigeria: World Bank to help fund new infrastructure projects

Nigeria: World Bank to help fund new infrastructure projects The World Bank has announced that it is to help finance a number of significant infrastructure projects in the west African state of…

How do cellphones benefit vulnerable people? Lessons from farming cooperatives in Lesotho

In April 2006, the Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme published a brief called “Upwardly Mobile: Delivering Social Protection by Cellphone”. As part of its remit to build evidence on…

Sustainable Mobility in African Cities

This report is the summary of the seminar "Sustainable Development of Public Transport in Africa", held in Nairobi, Kenya. The event was jointly organised by UN-HABITAT, UITP (the…

Infrastructure for Economic Development and Poverty Reduction

This report evaluates the role of infrastructure in promoting economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa. It is devoted to the study of the complementary physical infrastructure -…

Children, transport and mobility. Sharing experiences of young researchers in Ghana, Malawi and South Africa

The booklet, based on research evidence, will raise the visibility of the transport challenges faced by children and young people in sub-Saharan Africa through the medium of their own voices. It will…

AFCAP Mozambique. Development of an Index for Monitoring the Condition of Low-Traffic Unpaved Roads

This project was instituted with the objective of developing a practical, affordable, reliable and objective method of monitoring condition and level-of-service of unpaved road networks in Mozambique…

Maternal and Newborn Health and Emergency Transport in Sub-Saharan Africa

This study on maternal and newborn health and emergency transport in sub-Saharan Africa is part of an AFCAP commissioned project (GEN025). The review looked at: i) The International Efforts…

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