3060 results:

La BIDC finance la construction d'infrastructures routières en Côte d'Ivoire

La BIDC finance la construction d'infrastructures routières en Côte d'Ivoire Un pont entre Yopougon et l'Ile Boulay va être construit  à Abidjan grâce à l'octroi par la Banque d'investissement…

Rwanda to acquire global broadband infrastructure

Rwanda to acquire global broadband infrastructure Rwanda will be one of six African nations to benefit from new wireless broadband base stations, according to The New Times. The equipment will be…

2012 presents full calendar of activities following ICA’s participation in African Water Week in Cairo, 15-18 May 2012

2012 presents full calendar of activities following ICA’s participation in African Water Week in Cairo, 15-18 May 2012 The year 2012 has brought a full calendar of activities for the Water Platform…

Bénin: La BOAD finance un projet d'aménagement de la Route des pêches

Bénin: La BOAD finance un projet d'aménagement de la Route des pêches La Banque ouest-africaine de développement (BOAD) a accordé lundi 30 juillet un prêt de 24 millions de dollars au gouvernement…

La BOAD investit près de 130 millions USD dans les infrastructures d'Afrique de l'Ouest

La BOAD investit près de 130 millions USD dans les infrastructures d'Afrique de l'Ouest La Banque ouest-africaine de développement (BOAD) compte investir près de 130 millions de…

China makes investment in African infrastructure projects

China makes investment in African infrastructure projects Chinese Ambassador Zhao Jianhua has revealed details of the substantial investment the country will make in infrastructure projects in…

Modern Energy - impact on micro-enterprise. Final Report

This DFID research project has evolved and been refined during the last four years to now have a range of key focus areas. In essence, it sets out to investigate whether prospects for poverty…

Analysis of the Value Chain for Biogas in Tanzania Northern Zone (Tanga, Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Manyara)

This study aimed at exploring weaknesses in the biogas value chain that hinder wider dissemination of the technology in Tanzania. The research included assessment of processes and activities carried…

Energy Use to Reduce Poverty - Final Report for Phase 1: (R8020)

The development of methodologies for the gender and education sectors that could generate robust quantitative evidence on linkages with energy and poverty, and recommendations for further work are…

Partnerships for access to community electricity (PACE) - Policy Guidelines

This PACE guide was produced using energy and development expertise from Ethiopia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Uganda and the UK, with review by other leading experts in the field.The objective of the work was…

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