Actualités sur les infrastructures

Africa: Safe Water Access Goal Further Away Than Previously Thought

03/04/2012 - April 2, 2012

Addis Ababa — A failure to incorporate water quality data into measurements of progress on the Millennium Development Goal of access to safe water has made some countries appear closer to...

Catégorie: Eau

Nigeria: TY Danjuma Foundation Commits U.S.$2.5 Million for Water Project

03/04/2012 - April 2, 2012

As part of its commitment to ensure availability of safe water and food security in Nigeria, the TY Danjuma Foundation (TYDF), has announced an initial commitment of $250,000 to the Safe Water for...

Catégorie: Eau

South Africa: Facility too late to resolve crisis


fin24 - April 1, 2012

Johannesburg – Ion exchange, the technology that Trailblazer Technologies wants to use to process South African acid mine drainage into water for stimulating agricultural production, also involves all ...

Catégorie: Eau

Water monitoring `easier` with free mobile phone app


Environmental - March 30, 2012

The Water Quality Reporter (WQR) application was developed by the iCOMMS team at the civil engineering department at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, under the leadership of...

Catégorie: Eau

Ile Maurice: Début des travaux de construction du barrage de Bagatelle


La construction du barrage de Bagatelle, sur la rivière Terre Rouge, vient de débuter sur l'Ile Maurice.

Le Premier ministre, Navin Ramgoolam, a procédé le 29 mars dernier à la pose de la...

Catégories: Eau, Energie

World Bank offers funding boost to Kenyan ICT infrastructure


The World Bank has offered financial assistance to the Kenyan government as it seeks to become the global hub for mobile phone applications, Business Daily Africa has reported.

Indeed, the Bank has provided Sh4.5 billion ($55...

Catégorie: TIC

Africa's premium TV for less


The Africa Report - March 30, 2012

In a previous column, I commented on the rapid changes in direct satellite-to-home TV reception across Africa, thanks to the launch of a number of packages, most of them free of charge. A wind...

Catégorie: TIC

African Mobile phones get surprisingly smarter


The Africa Report - March 29, 2012

Imagine you are in Yokadouma, a rural community in eastern Cameroon with little electricity and inaccessible roads. You have an old, inexpensive mobile phone with which you can only make and...

Catégorie: TIC

Construction: Build a bigger and better tomorrow


The Africa Report - March 19, 2012

Strong economic growth brings more business for construction companies, but the top firms are facing capacity problems and uncertain regulatory prospects Africa's construction materials...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Mobile firms bleed billions to fraud and bill errors


BBC News - March 29, 2012

Mobile phone firms are losing $58bn (£36bn) a year worldwide to billing errors and fraud, a report says.

Juniper Research found operators were "leaking" revenue because the complexity of...

Catégorie: TIC

Cameroun: La BM finance le barrage de Lom Pangar à hauteur de 134 millions USD


La Banque mondiale vient d'octroyer un financement de plus de 134 millions de dollars au Cameroun afin de participer au financement de la construction du barrage de Lom Pangar.

Ce projet, dont le coût total est...

Catégorie: Energie

ICT: African governments get behind Africa's domain name

30/03/2012 - March 29, 2012

Government ministers attending the recent Innovation Africa Digital (IAD) Summit in Ethiopia, this week pledged their support for the ZA Central Registry's (ZACR) bid to become the dotAfrica...

Catégorie: TIC

Climate change squeezing Malawi’s maize production


News Time Africa - March 29, 2012

Despite Malawi registering surplus maize yields in recent years, food production in the southern African nation has been on the decline, a climate change study has indicated. Malawi has in the...

Catégorie: Eau

BRICS -Rising powers say new bank can help development


NEW DELHI (AP) — The leaders of five of the world's fast-rising powers agreed Thursday to move toward creating a new development bank that would improve access to capital for poor nations.

Accusing current international...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

South Africa’s second renewables bid window heavily oversubscribed


Creamer Media's Engineering News - March 29, 2012

The South African government confirmed on Thursday that it had received a total of 79 tenders, representing 3 233 MW of potential power generation capacity, during the...

Catégorie: Energie

South Africa opts for incremental smart-grid migration


Creamer Media's Engineering News - March 30, 2012

State-owned power utility Eskom has started to deploy a hybrid smart grid model that supports its legacy time- division multiplexing management system, while gradually...

Catégorie: Energie

New energy videos: Economics of Energy & Affordable Electricity in South Africa at a Tipping Point (South Africa)


DesignBuiltSA - March 23 & 29, 2012

Two newly uploaded videos in ICA energy infrastructure playlist:

1. Affordable Electricity in South Africa at a Tipping Point?

Mike Rossouw, Chairmen of the heavy energy users group in...

Catégorie: Energie

Two Water Infrastructure Videos: Water & Sanitation projects and Sappi Tugela River Project (South Africa)


DesignBuiltSA - March 20 & 23, 2012

Two newly uploaded videos in ICA water infrastructure playlist:

1. Sappi Tugela River Project (South Africa)

Energy savings and load shifting capabilities at a water treatment and bulk...

Catégorie: Eau

Angola: 120 millions USD pour l'approvisionnement en eau de Malanje


L'Angola va investir 120 millions de dollars dans les prochains jours dans la construction du nouveau système d'approvisionnement en eau et assainissement de la ville de Malanje.

L'annonce a été...

Catégorie: Eau

Une nouvelle centrale thermoélectrique en Angola


Le ministre angolais de l'Energie et Eau, João Baptista Borges, a posé mardi dernier la première pierre du chantier de construction de la centrale thermoélectrique de Menongue, en Angola.


Catégorie: Energie

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