Actualités sur les infrastructures

China and Africa are Deepening Mutual Infrastructure Cooperation


China and Africa have, in recent years, made important progress from a batch of big projects thanks to their mutual efforts in expanding cooperation fronts and deepening collaboration in infrastructure construction.

South Africa Drops Nuclear, Adds Renewables in Energy Plan


South Africa has dropped proposals to boost supply from nuclear plants in its latest energy blueprint will increasingly harness renewable sources as it trims a reliance on coal.

The Chinese Model is Failing Africa


After more than a decade of vaulting growth in trade, finance and investment, China’s weighty engagement is jeopardising future development prospects in Africa.

China aims for ‘sustainable’ debt with Africa as Belt and Road Initiative comes under fire from West


Beijing will adopt a more sustainable model for debt with African countries, a senior Chinese official said in an apparent bid to address growing criticism of the country’s global infrastructure drive.

UK launches ambition to generate billions more investment in Africa to trigger transformational growth


The UK aims to generate up to £8 billion of vital public and private investment in businesses and infrastructure across Africa, to create jobs and boost growth over the next four years.This includes setting a clear ambition of mobilising £4 billion of private sector investment into the continent by working more closely with the City of London.

Theresa May pledges Africa investment boost after Brexit


Theresa May has announced plans to boost Britain's investment in Africa after Brexit, during her first trip to the continent as prime minister. In a speech in Cape Town, she pledged £4bn in support for African economies, to create jobs for young people.

Africa's energy consumption set to rise


Higher economic growth in Africa in the coming years will lead to an inevitable increase in energy consumption, according to the International Energy Outlook 2018 report.

China's infrastructure lesson for Africa


African countries can learn from China's experiences to develop and improve their infrastructure and financing system. But African governments have to play a leading role in infrastructure construction - it is difficult to improve infrastructure by relying solely on market mechanisms.

Public-private partnerships crucial to Africa’s growth and development


Increased public private partnership is needed "to reignite leadership torch" in Africa to achieve even growth and development.

Infrastructure key to intra-Africa trade


The poor state of infrastructure is the bane of Africans doing business within Africa; poor transportation continues to impede market access.

Rwanda, Uganda top African destinations for IT investment


Rwanda and Uganda are emerging as favourite destinations in Africa for investment in information and communications technology, while the leading investor destinations in the ICT sector in sub Saharan Africa - Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa - have recorded a decline in investment flows.

Lessons from Singapore on growth for local firms


Singaporian companies can partner with Kenyan and East African enterprises for economic development - from infrastructure development, economic diversification, regional integration and trade connectivity to urban planning solutions.

Ethiopia inaugurates Africa's first $120 million waste to energy facility


Reppie Waste-to-Energy in Ethiopia will produce 25 megawatts a day, while addressing pollution and environmental degradation.

Getting On The Fast Track: The Digital Transformation Of Africa’s Rail System


Today, fast-growing economies across the continent are upgrading antiquated rail infrastructure to support improved regional trade and mass local transit. However, the poor condition of rail infrastructure and rolling stock in many African countries is undermining the potential of rail systems to contribute to economic development.

Make water a top global priority - it's the best, cheapest way to save lives


The health intervention that has saved more lives than any other in recorded history - water, sanitation and hygiene - remains alarmingly absent in global health care.

Top Infrastructure Challenges in Africa


In Sub-Saharan Africa, poor infrastructure cuts national economic growth by two percentage points every year and reduces productivity by as much as 40%.

East Africa Energy Bodies Court More Investments


Eastern and southern African countries are harmonising their energy regulatory frameworks, in an initiative supported by the EU's European Development Fund (EDF).

How Solar Energy is Powering Off-Grid Areas in East Africa and Lighting Up Lives


A new report on renewable power from the International Energy Agency (IEA) shows that solar is providing new opportunities for households and businesses, and predicts that Africa's off-grid solar capacity will triple in the next five years to more than 3,000MW.

Private equity investment is proof of a positive southern Africa


Region reaps benefit of stability despite unrest in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

What is China doing in Africa?


What are Chinese corporations doing in Africa? That's a highly controversial issue.

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