Actualités sur les infrastructures

Egypt is the most attractive African country for investment - RMB


Egypt is the most attractive African country for investment according to Rand Merchant Bank's eight edition of 'Where to invest in Africa'. The analysts believe that efficient infrastructure is essential to uncovering opportunities and unlocking Africa's growth potential.

Sukuk - A new avenue for funding African infrastructure


African governments need to embrace private sector infrastructure investment to alleviate the burden on the public purse. Sukuk – the Islamic equivalent of bonds – give investors a share of an asset together with the attendant cash flows and risk.

World Bank Key to Addressing Investment Funding Gap - Kagame


The current mismatch between capital seeking profitable ventures and the chronic deficit of large-scale investments in Africa can be addressed through closer collaboration with institutions such as the World Bank Group.

West criticises China over its debt policy in 'new scramble for Africa'


A war of words is emerging between China and the West over who has the best interests of Africa at heart when it comes to vitally needed investment.

Solar to account for 9% of new energy capacity in Africa in next 2 years


An Africa power sector scorecard shows that solar will make inroads into the African energy sector over the next two years, accounting for 9% of new capacity additions.

Fossil fuels dominate African energy investment


A study has found that 60% of international public finance in African energy goes to fossil fuels, compared to just 18% to cleaner alternatives. Are wealthy countries offshoring emissions?

Chinese 'will have to manage risks' as investors pour more cash into China


African Development Bank chief denies nations have been pushed into a debt trap but says they should take ownership of deals.

UK’s ambition to invest in Africa is an opportunity for blended finance


The UK government's pledge to generate up to £8bn of public and private investment in Africa is the latest example of a trend where governments are turning to innovative finance, mobilising the private sector to make their development funds achieve larger impact.

China raises fears of 'new colonialism' with $60bn investment across Africa


Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday pledged $60 billion in financing for projects in Africa in the form of assistance, investment and loans, as China furthers efforts to link the continent's economic prospects to its own.

China’s Xi Pledges $60 Billion Toward Africa’s Development, Waives Some Debt


China’s President Xi Jinping pledged $60 billion in financing for Africa’s development and waived some debt owed by the continent’s poorest countries, batting away criticism that Chinese investments may be exacerbating a looming African debt crisis.

China pledges $60bn for Africa as Xi rejects 'debt trap' claims


Xi Jinping, China’s president, has pledged $60bn for African development over the next three years while countering criticism that Beijing is trying to ensnare African governments in a debt trap.

For African Countries, China Forum Provides Shot at Better Deals


While US politicians are ringing alarms about over-reliance on Chinese financing, analysts who study Sino-Africa relations see fresh opportunities for African leaders to negotiate deals that better serve their countries’ interests.

‘No strings attached’ to Africa investment, says China’s Xi


Chinese President Xi Jinping told African leaders on Monday that China's investments on the continent have "no political strings attached" and are not for “vanity projects”, even as Beijing is increasingly criticised over its debt-heavy deals abroad.

Should Africa be wary of Chinese Debt?


African countries have shown a healthy appetite for Chinese loans but some experts now worry that the continent is gorging on debt, and could soon choke.

African water infrastructure growth slows while other sectors improve


Infrastructure growth in Africa has been seen mainly in the ICT and energy sectors while the water supply and sanitation sector is still lagging behind.

British Expertise Boosts Innovative Solar Technologies Across Africa


UK aid will help over 11 million people living off the grid access clean energy. UK aid is supporting the growth of innovative solar technology companies which are providing clean energy to off-grid households in Africa.

Africa needs ICT to fast-track development – Dlamini-Zuma


Any African country interested in making progress should follow the Rwandan model and invest in a wall-to-wall ICT infrastructure to facilitate e-governance, or risk being left behind.

UK pledges £300m for power, roads and water infrastructure in Africa


The UK has pledged to provide new investment of up to £300 million to build essential infrastructure such as power, roads and water in Africa.

China is winning the new scramble for Africa. Brexit could change that.


By leaving the EU, the UK will soon have the freedom to make new alliances — no longer bound by its role as the most reluctant member of a 28-nation bloc. The opportunity is to treat African nations as partners and equals, not as risks or charity cases.

Solar Startups are Plugging Africa's Energy Gap


Africa has emerged as a hotbed for solar investment. In the last three years, solar has been one of the most popular sectors for development institutions and private sector investors targeting areas with significant potential for social and economic returns.

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