3060 results:

Protection de la ressource en eau: De la responsabilité du secteur privé

Protection de la ressource en eau: De la responsabilité du secteur privé Sidwaya Selon l´Organisation des Nations unies, la consommation industrielle d'eau devrait doubler d'ici à 2025, en raison…

Afrique du Sud : retard pour un méga-projet de centrale électrique

Afrique du Sud : retard pour un méga-projet de centrale électrique AFP Le groupe public d'électricité sud-africain Eskom a annoncé lundi que sa nouvelle centrale à charbon géante de Medupi (nord)…

Africa's Role in the Future of the Global Energy Sector

Africa's Role in the Future of the Global Energy Sector The Knowledge@Wharton Network As the developed world struggles with decisions concerning fossil fuels and their availability and cost,…

AfDB continues to support low-carbon development pathways for Africa

AfDB continues to support low-carbon development pathways for Africa Sierra Express Media 13/07/2013 For the fifth time the African Development Bank  was a co-organizer of the Africa Carbon…

ICA provides guidance to AMCOW on project preparation

ICA provides guidance to AMCOW on project preparation In June of 2013, ICA Water Finance Expert, Sonja Hoess traveled to Berlin to provide guidance to the Technical Committee (TAC) of the …

ICA Helps Secure Funding for Lake Victoria Basin

ICA Helps Secure Funding for Lake Victoria Basin JULY 15 | 2013: The Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) co-sponsored the third Lake Victoria Basin Donors Consultative Conference in Entebbe,…

The advantages of investing in Africa

The advantages of investing in Africa 
CampdenFB (UK) The need for widespread access to electricity in Africa presents a big opportunity to investors - will they follow Obama's example?…

New BBC News series on Africa

New BBC News series on Africa The Witness In a new BBC World News series, Rendezvous with Zeinab Badawi, presenter Zeinab Badawi meets leading African entrepreneurs, musicians, politicians and…

Multi-Billion Dollar Commitment from the United States to Improve Access to Power in Africa. POWER AFRICA - A Landmark Initiative.

Multi-Billion Dollar Commitment from the United States to Improve Access to Power in Africa. POWER AFRICA - A Landmark Initiative. July10, 2013 | Tunis  “…The Infrastructure Consortium for…

Nigeria's Jonathan Seeks Infrastructure Funds From China

Nigeria's Jonathan Seeks Infrastructure Funds From China bloomberg.com Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan will take a group of state governors and key ministers to China next week, seeking to…

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