3060 results:

Urban Transport: Can Public-Private Partnerships Work?

Cities exist, grow, and prosper because they take advantage of scale economies and specialization wrought by agglomeration. But output growth inevitably stresses transport infrastructure because…

South Africa’s Renewable Energy IPP Procurement Program: Success Factors and Lessons

South Africa occupies a central position in the global debate regarding the most effective policy instruments to accelerate and sustain private investment in renewable energy. In 2009, the government…

Evaluation of the European Union Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund - and - DFID management response: Evaluation of EU Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund

This evaluation focused on the implementation of the ITF at a programme / portfolio level. The objective was not to assess individual projects, however project level information has been reviewed for…

POWER AFRICA | Annual Report

The U.S. Presidential Initiative, Power Africa is a new model of American assistance – structured laterally across 12 different U.S. agencies, African governments, the private sector and key partners…

Kenya: State inks Sh70bn power deal with AfDB

Kenya: State inks Sh70bn power deal with AfDB Business Daily Kenya Power's subsidy programme is set for phase out in a Sh70.1 billion deal that the State has signed with African Development Bank…

La téléphonie mobile en plein boom sur le continent africain

La téléphonie mobile en plein boom sur le continent africain Le Monde.fr S'il reste inférieur à celui des Européens ou de certains Asiatiques (plus particulièrement Japon, Corée du Sud, Chine),…

How should I go about investing in Africa?

How should I go about investing in Africa? The Telegraph.co.uk Ask an Expert: the continent is tipped as the next region to boom but how can investors take advantage?There are several approaches.…

Africa sees infrastructure as a necessity

Africa sees infrastructure as a necessity CNBC Africa, as a whole, has begun to link the necessity for infrastructure with the industry itself, says Andrew Johnstone. "The linkage between the…

Kaberuka addresses Africa's infrastructure gap at OECD

Kaberuka addresses Africa's infrastructure gap at OECD BiztechAfrica African Development Bank President Donald Kaberuka made a strong case for the importance of tackling private investment…

Power: Inga III will have to wait

Power: Inga III will have to wait The Africa Report With the legal framework, tenders, impact studies and financing still to be finalised, construction of the dam is unlikely to start before the…

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