3060 results:

Algeria: Sonatrach makes massive investments in energy despite the crisis

Algeria: Sonatrach makes massive investments in energy despite the crisis Even though the world economy has hardly emerged from the recession, the Algerian petroleum group Sonatrach is pressing…

3G Network to be deployed shortly in Tunisia

3G Network to be deployed shortly in Tunisia Le ministre tunisien ministre des technologies de la communication a dévoilé lors d'une conférence à El Ghazala la mise en place d'un réseau mobile de…

AfDB: $61m loan towards West African fibre optics

AfDB: $61m loan towards West African fibre optics The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) has approved a loan of $61 million (£38.1 million) towards the Main One project, which aims to bring…

Upgrading of the highway network between the Congo and Cameroon

Upgrading of the highway network between the Congo and Cameroon The African Development Bank has just approved financing to the amount of 190 million Dollars for a project for upgrading highway…

Banda: South-to-south bank could aid infrastructure

Banda: South-to-south bank could aid infrastructure A bi-regional bank funded by south American and African nations could be a great help to infrastructure development, investment and project…

Sub-saharan Africa 'has promising biofuels future - with proper infrastructure'

Sub-saharan Africa 'has promising biofuels future - with proper infrastructure' Infrastructure limitations could prevent Africa from realising its full potential as a biofuel production hub,…

South African water infrastructure plans 'need R70bn'

South African water infrastructure plans 'need R70bn' Growing urbanisation and the widespread eradication of 'bucket systems' in South Africa has led to the need for big investment in bulk water…

ICA Members' Meeting - September 2009 - Outcome Statement

ICA Members' Meeting - September 2009 - Outcome Statement On September 10-11, 2009, the African Development Bank hosted a meeting of ICA members in Tunis to discuss the ICA Strategic Business Plan…

Billions 'towards water infrastructure in Kwara'

Billions 'towards water infrastructure in Kwara' The rehabilitation of 78 dams and installation of new pipelines is expected to put an end to the water woes of the Kwara state in Nigeria, the…

Investment 'should improve Uganda roads'

Investment 'should improve Uganda roads' A $173.1 million (£108.9 million) loan towards a road infrastructure project in Uganda should improve general transport conditions and the lives of…

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