3060 results:

Attracting Investors to African infrastructure projects

Attracting Investors to African Public-Private Partnerships will help the public sector in Africa to attract private sector investment through effective project advertising, management, and…

Attracting investors to African PPP - English

Attracting investors to African PPP - English Attracting investors to African PPP - English Attracting investors to African PPP - English Attracting investors to African PPP - English Attracting…

Africa's Infrastructure: A Time for Transformation

The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) is a comprehensive knowledge program commissioned by the ICA to improve understanding of Africa's infrastructure situation. The AICD assists…

Financial Commitments for Infrastructure in Africa for 2008

This report provides a summary of financial commitments from members of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) for infrastructure in Africa for 2008 by overall volume, sector and geographic…

ICA 2009 Annual Report & Annual Report Overview

The Annual Report analyses the 2009 commitments and disbursements for infrastructure in Africa by ICA Members and other sources of finance.

African Infrastructure Intelligence Report

The ICA has partnered with leading financial information group PEI to produce the African Infrastructure Intelligence Report. The report provides an objective and substantive overview of Africa's…

2010 ICA Annual Report & Annual Report Overview

The Annual Report analyses the commitments and disbursement to infrastructure in Africa for 2010 by ICA Members and other sources of finance – also by sectoral and regional distribution. In 2010…


Consortium-update-Feb-2006 Consortium-update-Feb-2006 Consortium-update-Feb-2006 Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) – information note, March 2006 Summary Infrastructure Consortium for Africa…

Risk Mitigation-full June 13

Risk Mitigation-full June 13 Risk Mitigation-full June 13 Risk Mitigation-full June 13 Risk Mitigation-Cvr-fin.qxd 6/6/07 1:13 PM Page 1 TRENDS AND POLICY OPTIONS The Review of Risk Mitigation…

Consortium newsletter Issue 2 August 2006

Consortium newsletter Issue 2 August 2006 Consortium newsletter Issue 2 August 2006 Consortium newsletter Issue 2 August 2006 Newsletter of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) –August…

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