3060 results:

Africa and Denmark Join Forces to Promote Investment in Sustainable Energy

Africa and Denmark Join Forces to Promote Investment in Sustainable Energy Justmeans.com: Denmark has a long history with Africa. From the 17th to 19th centuries, the relationship was primarily…

Speech by AfDB President Donald Kaberuka: African Economic Integration - Time to Raise the Bar

Speech by AfDB President Donald Kaberuka: African Economic Integration - Time to Raise the Bar Dr. Donald Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank - Speech at the Annual Conference of Speakers…

Africa's Chance to Lead

Africa's Chance to Lead HydroWorld.com: Stupendous in magnitude, the Grand Inga project envisages 40 GW of hydropower capacity in the Inga valley, some 250 km west of Kinshasa on the Congo River…

Video: Energy in the Wind - a Moroccan wind farm produces green energy

Video: Energy in the Wind - a Moroccan wind farm produces green energy Deutsche Welle: As Morocco's economy grows, it needs more and more energy - some ten percent more each year. A new wind farm…

Finland to fund energy projects

Finland to fund energy projects The Observer: Now that Uganda has entered the Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) with other southern and East African countries, aiming at boosting the use of…

East Africa: Regional Council, European Bank Discuss Infrastructure Funding

East Africa: Regional Council, European Bank Discuss Infrastructure Funding AllAfrica.com (The New Times): As a way of unravelling infrastructural challenges that have remained a major obstacle to…

Ce que vous devez savoir sur l'envol économique de l'Afrique

Ce que vous devez savoir sur l'envol économique de l'Afrique Slate Afrique: L’Afrique n’est plus le «continent perdu» de l’imaginaire collectif. Le continent connaît un essor rapide depuis dix ans,…

Uganda: Community Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement Programme

Uganda: Community Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement Programme African Development Bank: The Community Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement Programme – Project I (CAIIP-1) resulted from a…

North Africa: The Role of Infrastructure in the Success of the Arab Spring

North Africa: The Role of Infrastructure in the Success of the Arab Spring U.S. Department of State - Remarks by Deborah A. McCarthy, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic…

World water crisis must be top UN priority: report

World water crisis must be top UN priority: report Agence France Presse: WASHINGTON — A rapidly worsening water shortage threatens to destabilize the planet and should be a top priority for the UN…

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