2541 results:

Le barrage de Ngove va être inauguré en Angola

Le barrage de Ngove va être inauguré en Angola Le directeur du bureau administratif du bassin hydrographique du fleuve Cunene, Armindo Mário Gomes da Silva, a annoncé jeudi 2 août à l'agence de…

Ghana: IFC invests in power generation

Ghana: IFC invests in power generation World Bank member the International Finance Confederation (IFC) has provided an $80 million loan to the Takoradi International Company (TICO) with a view to…

Angola: Minister for transport inaugurates railway stations

Angola: Minister for transport inaugurates railway stations   Angolan minister for transport Augusto da Silva Tomas has inaugurated seven new railway stations belonging to the Luanda Railway…

Request for Expression of Interest: Review of ICA Strategic Business Plan

Request for Expression of Interest: Review of ICA Strategic Business Plan ICA will require a suitably qualified individual consultant over a period of 3 months (commencing September 2012) for REVIEW…

2012 presents full calendar of activities following ICA’s participation in African Water Week in Cairo, 15-18 May 2012

2012 presents full calendar of activities following ICA’s participation in African Water Week in Cairo, 15-18 May 2012 The year 2012 has brought a full calendar of activities for the Water Platform…

Cameroun : Démarrage des travaux de construction du barrage de Lom Pangar

Cameroun : Démarrage des travaux de construction du barrage de Lom Pangar La pose de la première pierre du barrage de Lom Pangar au Cameroun a eu lieu vendredi 3 août, selon le journal Cameroon…

Nigeria and South Africa to partner on energy

Nigeria and South Africa to partner on energy A news release made available to Cape Town journalists this week states that the government of South Africa will be partnering its Nigerian counterpart…

Algérie : Lancement imminent des travaux de réhabilitation de l'aéroport de Chlef

Algérie : Lancement imminent des travaux de réhabilitation de l'aéroport de Chlef L’aéroport international Aboubakr Belkaïd de Chlef, en Algérie,  bénéficiera de travaux d’extension et de…

Eksom Uganda invests $15 million in power stations

Eksom Uganda invests $15 million in power stations Uganda's aging Nalubaale hydroelectric power station in Jinja will produce efficient energy for another 20 years thanks to a $15 million…

La BIDC finance la construction d'infrastructures routières en Côte d'Ivoire

La BIDC finance la construction d'infrastructures routières en Côte d'Ivoire Un pont entre Yopougon et l'Ile Boulay va être construit  à Abidjan grâce à l'octroi par la Banque d'investissement…

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