Infrastructure News

Kuwait Fund lends 8 million USD for road infrastructures in Cameroon


The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (Fkdea) is to grant a loan in the value of 8 million dollars to Cameroon, in order to finance a road infrastructure project.

The loan agreement...

Category: Transport

Kisumu international airport in Kenya to open next May


The director general of the Kenyan Airports Authority, Stephen Gichuki, announced last Monday that the international airport in Kisumu will be operational by next May.

The renovation and extension works,...

Category: Transport

Transport infrastructure improvements for South Africa


South Africa's transport infrastructure is to improve as the government tackles the issue of potholes on its primary and secondary roads.

Some 22 million South African Rand (£1.9 million) has been earmarked for the...

Category: Transport

Uganda to get renewable energy plant


A power plant that will produce 40MW is to be built in Uganda by Taylor Biomass Energy Uganda (TBEU).

The scheme, which will burn rubbish and convert it into electricity, is set to improve energy infrastructure in the country and...

Category: Energy

PPPs to be used to improve Africa's infrastructure


Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are to be used to help close the infrastructural gap facing Africa.

At the moment some $31 billion (£19 billion) extra is need annually in order to fill the infrastructural hole facing the...

Category: General

China grants 248 million dollars for Berrechid-Beni Mellal highway in Morocco


In Rabat last Monday, Morocco and China signed a memorandum of understanding on finance for the highway between Berrechid and Beni Mellal in the amount of 248...

Category: Transport

Nigeria and Cameroon to benefit from transport infrastructure


A new road is being built that will connect Nigeria and Cameroon, with funding for the project coming from the African Development Bank (AfDB).

The Nigeria - Cameroon Multinational Highway and Transport Facilitation Project is...

Category: Transport

South Africa's broadband capabilities 'on the up'


South Africa has witnessed a significant improvement in its broadband capabilities thanks to a 243 million South African rand investment (£20 million).

This came from the state-owned Broadband Infraco, which is enhancing...

Category: ICT

12 million dollars to improve ICT in West African universities


UNESCO has signed a financing agreement with the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) with a value of 12 million dollars to finance a project to improve ICT infrastructures in West...

Category: ICT

New hydropower plant for Ethiopia


A 6,000-MW hydropower scheme has been launched in Ethiopia that will improve the energy infrastructure in the country.

The development, which has been dubbed Project X, is a central part of the plan to build generational capacity...

Category: Energy

Renewable energies: Algeria to invest 60 billion dollars


The CEO of the national electricity and gas company, Sonelgaz, announced in an interview on the national television channel that Algeria is to invest 60 billion dollars between now and 2030...

Category: Energy

Energy infrastructure to improve in Uganda


Uganda's energy infrastructure is set for a massive improvement after the construction of an 18MW hydro power plant was completed.

It has been developed in the western quarter of the country and the Daily Monitor noted at...

Category: Energy

France grants 87 million USD for road infrastructures at Brazzaville


France is to grant Congo financing of 87 million USD, which amounts to 80 percent of the total cost of the project, to construct road infrastructures in Brazzaville.

The announcement...

Category: Transport

DRC: 2011 program for the National rural water service is revealed


In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the national director of the National rural water service (SNHR), Georges Koshi, last week presented his action program for 2011.

He announced the...

Category: Water

Infrastructural boost for southern Africa


A range of infrastructure projects in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region are set to receive a financial boost from the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA).

This is because a $300 million (£186...

Categories: ICT, Transport, Energy

AfDB to discuss regional integration


Regional integration in Africa is to be discussed at the annual Partnerships Forum in Tunisia.

Hosted by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the conference will look at the institution's performance in terms of regional...

Categories: General, ICT, Transport, Energy

Rwanda to see 'improved energy infrastructure'


An energy infrastructure scheme in Rwanda has received the backing of the African Development Bank (AfDB).

The KivuWatt project, which will see methane gas extracted from Lake Kivu and then used in an offshore power plant, is to...

Category: Energy

Kenya's ICT infrastructure gets boost


Kenya's ICT infrastructure is set to receive a boost as a second high-bandwidth provider is emerging.

Jamii Telecom is going to deliver fibre to the home (FTTH) for the first time in Sub-Saharan African,...

Category: ICT

Fifteen million Euros to reform CFCO railway in Congo


Brazzaville: the Congo, the World Bank, the European Union (EU) and the African Development Bank (ADB) have just signed a 15 million Euro agreement to renovate the Congo-Ocean railway...

Category: Transport

Ghana's water infrastructure to improve with Coca Cola initiative


Beverage company Coca Cola, one of the largest in the world, is to invest in the water infrastructure of Ghana.

Some $1.5 million (£930,000) is being earmarked to help the country as it tries to ensure portable water is...

Category: Water

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