Infrastructure News

IDA grants 91 million dollars to Niger for drinking water


Niger is to receive a loan of 91 million dollars from the International Development Association (IDA) to contribute to the financing of the Urban Water and Drainage Program (PEAMU).


Category: Water

Oxfam grants over three million USD for a drinking water project in Angola


British non-governmental organization "Oxfam" has awarded 3.4 million dollars to promote a drinking water, sanitation and hygiene project in Angola.

The project is being conducted...

Category: Water

World Bank grants over 40 million USD to Mozambique for N1 highway


Mozambique has just received a gift of 40.2 million dollars from the World Bank to finance the completion of the works on three sections of the national highway 1, linking the North to the south of the...

Category: Transport

France and Tunisia sign energy and ICT agreements


France and Tunisia on Monday signed several agreements on energy and ICT, reports a press release published by the French ministry for Industry, Energy and the...

Categories: ICT, Energy

Japan wants to increase access to drinking water in DRC


Japan, through the Japanese governmental agency JICA, is currently carrying out several projects in the domain of infrastructures for the production and transport of drinking water in...

Category: Water

Senegal: Inauguration of a solar panel plant


A plant to manufacture photovoltaic panels has just been opened in Senegal. The minister for Renewable Energies inaugurated this factory on July 1 in Dakar.

It was constructed by...

Category: Energy

Launch of studies for several energy projects in Cameroon


Feasibility studies for the realization of several projects in the energy infrastructure domain have just commenced in Cameroon.

They concern the construction of a gas-fired power station...

Category: Energy

Guinea: 34 million USD from WB for submarine cable project


The World Bank has just granted 34 million dollars to the submarine cable project in Guinea.

"The implementation of this project will reduce the costs of communication by 75%, which will...

Category: ICT

Sub-Saharan Africa 'top priority for World Bank'


During the 2011 fiscal year, the World Bank gave developing countries more than $57 billion (£35.6 billion) in support.

The financial institution has today (July 1st) released new figures showing its financial aid and...

Categories: General, Transport

WB supports ICT infrastructure development in Burkina Faso


The World Bank has just granted a subsidy of 25.4 million dollars to enhance the information and communication technology (ITC) infrastructure and provide access to better services...

Category: ICT

Natural resources 'could boost Africa's infrastructure development'


The natural resources found in Africa could help the continent continue to develop and improve its infrastructure.

According to the World Bank's Shantayanan Devarajan and Marcelo Giugale, the commodity boom in Africa may...

Categories: General, Energy

Angola: 700,000 households connected to drinking water


The Angolan provincial drinking water supply company in Luanda (EPAL), Angola, is currently connecting 700,000 households to the drinking water supply in all the urban areas of the capital, reports...

Category: Water

Rail infrastructure to help iron ore project in West Africa


Work will begin soon on a transport infrastructure development in order to aid an iron ore project in West Africa. Sundance Resources has confirmed that it will begin construction of rail networks and a port at its Mbalam iron...

Categories: Transport, Energy

Tunisia: EIB lends 163 million Euros for roads


June 26: The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a finance agreement totaling 163 million Euros with Tunisia to co-finance a road modernization program.

The aim is to improve the...

Category: Transport

South Africa 'needs clean technology solutions for green energy industry'


South Africa's green energy industry will be boosted by developing its clean technology solutions, it has been suggested. Energy economist at the African Development Bank (AfDB) Tanja Faller has spoken about the benefits of...

Category: Energy

AfDB's financial support for Africa's infrastructure grows by 600%


The financial support given to Southern Africa by the African Development Bank (AfDB) has grown considerably over the last few years. According to a report published yesterday (June 27th 2011), the group increased its loan and...

Category: General

CASDB injects 22 million USD into several infrastructure projects in Central Africa


The Central African States Development Bank (CASDB) announced last Friday that it was going to finance several infrastructure projects in its member countries amounting to a total of 22 million...

Category: Energy

WADB grants 47.6 million dollars to Senegal for electricity


The West African Development Bank (WADB) has granted two loans to Senegal totaling 47.6 million dollars to finance two projects in the domain of electricity infrastructure.

The first loan,...

Category: Energy

Transport project in East Africa to be given $30m


A transport project in East Africa has been given an investment boost of $30 million (£18.29 million). The World Bank has agreed to additional financing for the East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Project. Its...

Category: Transport

Tanzania: 617 million dollars from ADB for infrastructure


The African Development Bank (ADB) could grant up to 617 million dollars to Tanzania over the next three years as part of a new five-year development strategy, reports the Xinhua press...

Categories: Transport, Water

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