Infrastructure News

Nigeria's energy infrastructure will be improved by 2015, says president


The energy infrastructure in Nigeria is set to see an improvement after president Goodluck Jonathan revealed plans to boost its power supply. He told the Board of the Niger Delta Power Holding Company that the government intends...

Category: Energy

Un nouvel avion pour Sénégal Airlines


Grâce à son tout nouvel avion, Sénégal Airlines va maintenant desservir Cotonou, Doula et Libreville. Cet Airbus A320 pourra transporter jusqu’à 136 personnes, plus...

Category: Transport

Contractors asked to make suggestions on highway project in Nairobi


Contractors have been urged to put in bids for a road infrastructure project to take place in Naoribi. Business Daily Africa has reported that following the termination of the Strabag International contract for the overpass in...

Category: Transport

Liberia government signs finance deal for infrastructure work


Liberia could see an improvement to its infrastructure as its government has signed an agreement with the African Development Bank (AfDB) for extra financing. It agreed to two $56 million (£33.80 million) grants to be used...

Category: General

Le boom des TIC en Afrique


L’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) a connu un véritable boom en Afrique ces derniers mois.

Selon l’Union internationale des télécommunications...

Category: ICT

ONE calls for more infrastructure spending for Africa from G20 group


Global campaigning organisation ONE has recommended that a greater level of investment is put into Africa's development. A spokesman for the organisation said the group has called upon the G20 High Level Panel to place more...

Category: General

Afrique du Sud : Lancement d’un nouveau train à grande vitesse


Un nouveau train rapide reliant Johannesburg à Pretoria, le Gautrain, a été inauguré en Afrique du Sud. Il doit désengorger le réseau routier s’étendant entre les deux...

Category: Transport

FDA participates in the restructuring of the electricity sector in Mauritania


The French Development Agency is to grant 45 million euros to the Mauritanian electricity company Somelec in order to help Mauritania to restructure its electricity sector.


Category: Energy

OECD should help water infrastructure in Horn of Africa, says report


Members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD's) Development Assistance Committee need to invest more to improve Africa's water infrastructure. This is the finding of ONE...

Category: Water

Gabon : Lancement d’un nouvel aéroport international


Le président gabonais Ali Bongo Ondimba vient de lancer le chantier de modernisation de l’aéroport de Port-Gentil. À terme, l’aéroport devrait prendre un essor international. Pour le...

ICT project in Cameroon sees optical fibres planted throughout nation


An ICT infrastructure project in Cameroon has seen a large number of optical fibre cables installed in an attempt to improve the country's telecommunications network.

The Central African Backbone (CAB) initiative was launched...

Category: ICT

Burundi: EU grants over 51 million USD for road infrastructure


Last Tuesday, the government of Burundi and the European Union signed a loan agreement for 51.3 million dollars relating to a development project for the road transport sector.


Category: Transport

ICT demand in Kenya rises as schools share textbooks on internet


The demand for an improved ICT infrastructure in Kenya is set to increase after it was revealed that schools are beginning to use the internet for education purposes.

Daily Nation has reported that a computer-based system was...

Category: ICT

ADB finances construction of electricity power station in Egypt


On August 8 the African Development Bank and Egypt signed a loan agreement totaling 550 million USD to participate in the financing of the construction of a new 650 megawatt electricity...

Category: Energy

$525m 'needed for Tanzania's transport infrastructure'


Tanzania requires $525 million (£322.85 million) in order to improve its transport infrastructure, it has been said.

Finance minister Mustafa Mkulo has revealed that the East African nation needs the money to invest in its...

Category: Transport

Plans to improve road infrastructure in Nairobi 'will cost Sh227bn'


It would cost Sh227 billion (£1.5 billion) in order to improve the transport infrastructure of Nairobi, it has been suggested.

Consulting Engineering Services (CES) has released findings from a survey it conducted with Apec...

Category: Transport

FDA grants over 7 million USD for sanitation project in Togo


Last Thursday, the French Development Agency (FDA) signed an agreement with Togo in Lomé to grant the sum of 3.3 billion FCFA (7.4 million dollars) for an urban sanitation project...

Category: Water

Nigeria plans to improve ICT infrastructure to meet international standards


Nigeria has announced it wants to improve its ICT infrastructure and upgrade the technology of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) in order to boost its economy.

This Day Live reported that Oscar Onyema, chief executive officer of...

Category: ICT

African Caucus focuses on energy infrastructures


The African Caucus, an annual meeting between the Finance ministers and the governors of the Central Banks of the countries in the African Union and funding agencies, opened on August 3...

Category: Energy

Tanzania borrows $250m for infrastructure projects


Tanzania is to borrow $250 million (£153.21 million) in order for it to pursue infrastructure projects.

Earlier today (Monday August 8th), the East African nation signed a loan agreement with several financial institutions...

Category: General

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