Infrastructure News

Outcome Statement Released for ICA Water Platform Meeting in Frankfurt, 8-9 March 2012


Objective: Identify challenges and opportunities in the financing and implementation of Transboundary Water Resource and Climate Change Adaptation Programs

Category: Water

L'Algérie va investir 30 milliards USD pour augmenter la production d'électricité


L’Algérie va investir 30 milliards de dollars pour produire 1200 MW d’électricité supplémentaire par an d’ici à 2020, a annoncé lundi le PDG de la compagnie nationale d'électricité Sonelgaz, Nourredine Boutarfa.

« Pour répondre...

Category: Energy

Le lancement du câble sous-marin WACS est prévu pour mai 2012


Le câble WACS (West Africa Cable System), sera officiellement lancé le mois prochain, a déclaré l'un des responsables du projet, Angus Hay, cité par l'agence de presse Ecofin. D’une...

Category: ICT

Kenya: Kisumu International Airport undergoes more upgrade work


The upgrade work currently being undertaken at Kisumu International Airport in Kenya has reached its second phase, officials have confirmed. Joseph Okumu, the manager of the airport, explained that the work would taken 15 months...

Kenya moves to improve sole refinery's efficiency


Reuters - 17 April 2012

Kenya has taken steps to transform its sole oil refinery from a heavily-subsidised operation to improve its efficiency and bring down costs of its products, the energy ministry said on Tuesday.


Categories: Transport, Energy, General

Kgalema Motlanthe on the history of mining in South Africa


politicsweb - 17 April 2012

Excerpts from Address by Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe at the opening of the Ninth International Mining History Congress, Gold Reef City, Johannesburg, April 17

a conference of this magnitude...

Category: General

Malawi, Sustainable Energy, and the God of the Developing World


Village - 17 April 2012

As Malawi elects a new and female President, Joyce Banda, following the controversial death of her 78-year old predecessor,  Deirdre Mulrooney reflects on her recent visit there

So you think...

Category: Energy

Five Renewable Sources of Energy for Farmers in Developing Countries


WorldWatch Institute - 17 April 2012

According to the United Nations, access to reliable and sufficient sources of energy will be critical to meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing poverty and hunger by...

Category: Energy

Samsung Digital Strategy for Africa Content (video)


ABNDigital - 18 April 2012

The Tech @ Work team recently caught up with Mr Park, Samsung Africa, CEO at the Samsung Africa conference in Cape Town to discuss Samsung's Strategy for the African content.

Watch video as part of...

Category: ICT

South Africa: Comair - Hot or Not? (video)


ABNDigital - 18 April 2012

Comair was founded by the Novick and Moritz families, and operates the British Airways licence in South Africa. It also operates under the banner, and has a market cap of R665 million....

Category: Transport

Videos: Water issues in South Africa


ABNDigital - 18 April 2012

South Africa's Water Crisis with SAB's Andre Fourie

ABN is focusing its attention on water sustainability in Africa and South Africa faces serious threats from its increasingly scarce water ...

Category: Water

South Africa: Congress of South African Trade Unions denounces e-tolling blackmail


Africa Report - 18 April 2012

South Africa's largest trade union federation says it is ready for a battle with the government if it continues with the contentious e-tolling system in the country's economic hub of Gauteng.The...

Category: Transport

Ghana may lose opportunities as an oil producing country due to power constraints


GhanaWeb - 17 April 2012

Ghana might lose opportunities presented by her new potential as a major gas producing country in the West-African Sub-Region if she failed to resolve the current power challenges, Mr Goosie Tannoh, an...

Category: Energy

La BAD lance un projet de 33 millions d’euros pour le recyclage des eaux usées en Tunisie


Banque africaine de développement - 17 avril 2012

La Banque africaine de développement, l’Office national de l’assainissement (ONAS) et le gouvernement tunisien ont organisé à Hammamet, du 10 au 12 avril, un atelier de trois...

Category: Water

Is Morocco the Mediterranean's Green Energy Savior?


Forbes - 18 April 2012

Amid the eager and often conflicting discussions about what it’s going to take to develop a real, tangible green economy in North Africa – one that makes the most of a seemingly endless supply of solar...

Category: Energy

ICA Supports One-Stop Border Post Regional Workshop in Burkina Faso - 25-27 April 2012


Organizers: West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) & Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Category: Transport

Africa's demand for pilots, aircraft to soar


Creamer Media's Engineering News - 17 April 2012

Africa would need more than 800 new airplanes over the next 20 years and between 14 000 and 20 000 new trained pilots, Boeing Commercial Airplanes international sales director...

Category: Transport

Algérie: Annonce d'un projet de réhabilitation de 200 km de voie ferrée


Un projet portant sur l'électrification et le doublement d'un tronçon de 200 km de voie ferrée traversant la région de Tébessa en Algérie va débuter d'ici la fin de...

Category: Transport

Dark fibre firm confirms roll out plans


Dark Fibre Africa, the open access dark fibre infrastructure provider, has revealed that its R75 million (£5.9 million) roll-out in the region of Benoni is continuing at a good pace, despite the recent moratorium on fibre...

BRICS To Cable The Southern Hemisphere


Tech Week Europe - 17 April 2012

Yesterday, the BRICS Cable initiative announced a 34,000 km long submarine fibre optic cable system that will connect the developing economies of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China...

Category: ICT

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