Infrastructure News

Uganda set for road infrastructure improvements


Yoweri Museveni, the president of Uganda, has commissioned the construction of the Gulu-Nimule highway, the New Vision has reported.

And Mr Museveni announced that the ambitious infrastructure project will cost as much as sh89...

Burkina Faso: Lancement de travaux de réhabilitation sur sept barrages


Le ministre burkinabé de l'Agriculture et de l'Hydraulique, Laurent Sedogo, a lancé samedi dernier les travaux de réhabilitation de sept barrages à travers le pays.

D'un coût total de...

Zimbabwe: Victoria Fall's airport set for redevelopment work


The international airport at Victoria Falls is set for major redevelopment work over the next few months, it has been confirmed.

Indeed, there are a number of facilities in the town, including the local hospital, that are due for...

L'AFD octroie 19,5 millions USD à l’aéroport d’Abidjan


Proparco, filiale de l’Agence française de développement (AFD), a octroyé vendredi 4 mai un prêt de 19,5 millions de dollars destiné à financer un projet de réhabilitation de...

Category: Transport

Nigeria set for road infrastructure improvements


Plans to improve the road infrastructure in Nigeria have just been announced by the Taraba State government, Vanguard has reported.

According to the government, the state of Taraba is set to see the construction of four...

West Africa - The Future of Telecoms (video)


ABNDigital - 7 May 2012

With the arrival of several cables at the coast, telecom companies in the West African region are seeing immense growth in Nigeria. Experts predict that the sector will expand by 5.9% between 2011 and...

Category: ICT

Fin d'une étude sur l’interconnexion électrique entre la Côte d’Ivoire, le Libéria, la Sierra Léone et la Guinée


Le Gouvernement guinéen vient d’annoncer la fin de l’Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social et du Tracé de Ligne du projet d’interconnexion Côte d’Ivoire - Libéria -...

One-stop Beitbridge border ‘imperative’ to unlocking further trade, investment


Creamer Media's Engineering News - 3 May 2012

Implementation of a one-stop border post at Beitbridge, the congested crossing between South Africa and Zimbabwe, is “imperative” to reducing trade-restricting transactions costs...

Category: Transport

South Africa: Sanral respects e-toll judgment


Creamer Media's Engineering News - 3 May 2012

The SA National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral) is still studying a ruling by the High Court in Pretoria which brought the Gauteng e-tolling project to a halt, it said on...

Category: Transport

African air traffic takes off in first quarter


Business Day - 2 May 2012

AFRICAN airlines recorded a 14,3% overall increase in air traffic, both consumer and freight, in the first quarter of this year compared with the same period in 2011, the International Air Transport ...

Category: Transport

The potential for renewable energy in Africa


ESI - - 2 May 2012

In Africa, South Africa is investing in wind farms, and along the highways of the Western Cape, one sees a number of solar panels gracing the roofs of government subsidised houses in townships....

Category: Energy

Durban to Explore Sea-Current Power With Hydro Alternative


Bloomberg - 2 May 2012

South Africa's southeastern coastal city of Durban is considering developing plants to generate electricity from sea-currents together with Hydro Alternative Energy Inc., which says the project would be...

Category: Energy

In Sierra Leone, US$34 Million to Rehabilitate Matotoka-Safadu Road


Awareness Times - 2 May 2012

The Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Dr. Samura Kamara, has on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone signed a loan agreement and two grant agreements worth thirty-four...

Category: Transport

'For much of Africa, water resources are available'


Deutsche Welle - 30 April 2012

Africa's chronic shortage of fresh water could be alleviated by stepping up efforts to access groundwater reserves, or aquifers. UK scientists have produced a pan-African map of reserves...

Category: Water

Clean drinking water for everyone

03/05/2012 - 1 May 2012

It’s easy enough to purify clear water. The solar water disinfection method, or SODIS, calls for leaving a transparent plastic bottle of clear water out in the sun for six hours. That allows heat and ...

Category: Water

Wind turbine produces water out of thin air


CNN - 30 April 2012

Wind turbines have long produced renewable energy but a French engineering firm has discovered another eco-purpose for the towering structures.

Eole Water claims to have successfully modified the...

Category: Water

Interpreting New Data on Africa’s Groundwater


Circle of Blue - 2 May 2012

This BBC article, tweeted to our our @circleofblue account, gives the results of a new report by the British Geological Survey (BGS) and the University College London’s Department of Geography (UCL)...

Category: Water

Nigeria Ranks 'Very Low' in Water Index

03/05/2012 - 3 May 2012

Nigeria has been ranked very low in an Africa Water Poverty Index indicating that the country is lagging behind in meeting the water requirement of its population.

But the Minister of water...

Category: Water

Nigerian govt confirms plans to construct new port


The Nigerian Federal Government has revealed more details of an ambitious plan to build a new inland river port in Kogi State, Leadership has reported.

Labaran Maku, the minister of information, confirmed that the new port in...

Category: General

Madagascar : Un large port en projet à Soalala


Le groupe chinois WISCO projette d'installer un grand port à Soalala, dans la région de Boeny à Madagascar.

Le PDG de WISCO, Luo Yuan Jun, a déclaré à l'agence de presse Xinhua que la région cherchait un site côtier favorable...

Category: Transport

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