Infrastructure News

Tunisie: Le gouvernement puisera dans le fonds de la vente de Tunisie Télécom 


Source: WebManagerCenter

Elyes Fakhfakh, ministre des Finances, a affirmé que 500 millions de dollars (près de 816 millions de dinars) provenant de la cession de parts de «Tunisie Télécom», seront alloués au budget de l'Etat...

Category: ICT

AfDB to Cooperate with South Sudan in Water Sector


Source: PR Newswire

The African Development Bank Group has approved a grant for an assessment study of a water supply and sanitation program for 11 small and medium-sized towns in South Sudan.

The USD 5 .4 million...

Category: Water

The Africa Information Highway Initiative: How information facilitates GDP growth


Source: PR Newswire

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is a major developmental partner in Africa that uses information to quantify annual progress and target its policies. Its Africa Information Highway (AIH) initiative...

Category: General

L´Afrique pour


Source: Contrepoints par François de Senneville

Alors que les économies européennes et américaines se contentent de montrer de légers frémissements positifs, l´Afrique confirme son rythme de croissance élevé avec un taux moyen...

Category: Transport

L'Algérie découvre un important gisement de pétrole


Source: Le

La compagnie nationale algérienne d'hydrocarbures Sonatrach a découvert un nouveau champ pétrolifère d'environ 1,3 milliard de barils dans le bassin d'Amguid Messaoud, dans le centre-nord de l'Algérie,...

Category: Transport

Démarrage des travaux du tronçon autoroutier Mednine-Ras jedir


Source: L'Economiste par Mohsen Tiss

Les travaux de réalisation de l´autoroute Mednine - Ras Jedir ont été lancés dernièrement. Ce tronçon, d´une longueur de 92 km, nécessitera une enveloppe de l´ordre de 450 millions de dinars...

Category: Transport

Think Tanks Chart the Path for Africa's Accelerated Transformation Through Regional Integration


Source: All Africa

Africa is well positioned to chart the path for transformation through regional integration. But it should go beyond the narrow focus on trade in goods.

This was the conclusion reached, following an afternoon...

Category: General

The Role Of Public-Private Partnerships In Africa


Source: Ventures Africa

In September 2012, at The Economist´s Future Cities conference in Lagos, Nigeria, Mariam Yunusa, Project Leader for the UN World Urban Forum, succinctly summed up the importance of public-private...

Category: General

Lagos- Algiers Trans-Saharan Highway will reduce transport costs, boost intra-African trade- NEPAD



The NEPAD chief said Africa was the least integrated continent in the world.

The Chief Executive Officer of the New Partnership for Africa Development (NEPAD), Ibrahim Mayaki, has said that the ongoing 4,500-km...

Category: Transport

Warsaw climate conference: Africa urged to agree on adaptation funds


Source: Pana

The Third Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-III), meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, ended Wednesday with a strong appeal for Africa to agree before next month´s UN Climate Change...

Category: General

Can Africa dodge 'curse' of new oil wealth?


Source: The Christian Science Monitor

Technology and geology are converging to unlock billions of barrels of oil across much of Africa in the coming decade. Can Africa avoid a 'resource curse' and leverage its mineral wealth to...

Categories: Energy, ICT

SA investment in Africa is increasing


Source : SAPA

South Africa's economic involvement in sub-Saharan Africa continues to grow, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said on Wednesday.

In his 2013 Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, tabled in Parliament, he said...

Category: General

Emergence of "powerful" China an economic boon for Africa


Source : Xinhua

The emergence of China as a global economic powerhouse is a boon for Africa as the continent now has improved chances of accessing cheap capital from world markets, a senior Zimbabwean official said.

With a...

Category: General

Private, Public, and Development Players Must Come Together to Power Africa's Future


Source : The Huffington

Tony O. Elumelu, chairman of Heirs Holdings, was the featured speaker at a recent CSIS Africa Program public event, Powering Africa's Progress, which focused on the critical need to accelerate power...

Category: Energy

Ethiopia and Kenya secure funds for $1.26bn power line


Source : Reuters

Ethiopia and Kenya have secured funds for a $1 .26bn power line aimed at improving electricity supply and the project is set for completion in two years´ time, an Ethiopian official said on Wednesday.


Category: Energy

Cameroun - Grand-Nord: La Bad va électrifier des dizaines de villages


Source : L'Oeil du Sahel

Le Conseil d'administration du groupe de la Banque africaine de développement (Bad) a approuvé le 7 octobre 2013 à Tunis, le financement par le Fonds africain de développement (FAD) de l'étude du projet...

Category: Energy

Le Togo a célébré la première journée nationale de l´Energie Durable


Source: Horizon News

Le Togo comme de nombreux pays d´Afrique souffre de problème énergétique durable. En Afrique subsaharienne, plus de 600 millions de personnes n´ont pas accès aux services énergétiques modernes et dépendent...

Category: Energy

Energy alternatives in Africa


Source: Business Excellence

When President Jacob Zuma appointed Elizabeth Dipuo Peters to the post of Energy Minister in 2009 one of the key performance areas he asked her to progress was getting greater private sector...

Category: Energy

AfDB to Participate in Rwanda ICT and Innovation Summit


Source: All Africa

The African Development Bank (AfDB), will participate in "Transform Africa 2013 Summit" to be hosted by the government of Rwanda from 28 to 31 October in Kigali.

This pan African ICT event will...

Category: ICT

Geldof: Africa needs aid, debt cancellation, Western and Chinese investment, and mobile phones


Days after declaring his own generation had "failed," rock star philanthropist Bob Geldof has told Al Jazeera that the next generation will do so too.Geldof had struck the previous pessimistic note at The One Young...

Category: ICT

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