Infrastructure News

World Bank approves funds to study Congo's Inga dam



The World Bank's board on Thursday approved a $73 million grant to help the Democratic Republic of Congo develop an expansion of the Inga hydroelectric dam, potentially the largest hydropower site in the world.


Category: Water

Coal, gas or nuclear? Power-hungry South Africa must decide now


Reuters by Olivia Kumwenda-Mtambo

On paper, South Africa's long-term energy plans look solid, with coal, nuclear, gas and renewables all viable options.

But none are likely to prevent potentially crippling future power crunches...

Category: Energy

Impact of climate change needs addresing - Monde


The Post (Zambia) by Chambwa Moonga

AGRICULTURE deputy minister Greyford Monde says there is need to deal with impacts of climate change if the agriculture sector is to improve. And African Development Bank representative, Gbeli...

Category: General

Act resolutely to help save Thika superhighway


The People

Only last week we presented to Kenyans in pictures (not in photoshop!) the degeneration of what had been touted as an infrastructural showpiece-the Sh31 billion Thika superhighway, the only standard eight-lane road...

Category: Transport

World Bank set to fund Congo dam



The World Bank is likely to approve $73m next week to fund an expansion of the Inga hydroelectric dam in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a bank official said over the weekend.

The decision will be a relief to...

Category: Water

Nigeria water crisis is pressing with 42% of the population lacking sufficient safe water

14/03/2014 (Nigeria)

Nigeria's water crisis is pressing, with estimates stating that 42% of the country's population still lacking sufficient access to safe water, and with roughly 68% lacking improved sanitation.

A lack of...

Category: Water

African renewable energy fund targets $200m



The Africa Renewable Energy Fund (AREF) which aims to invest in projects in sub-Saharan Africa has raised $100 million and expects to double that this year, lead investor African Development Bank (AfDB) said on...

Category: Energy

Africa's transport challenges highlighted in report


Business Day

Despite South Africa and the rest of Africa's hopes of becoming the next investment frontier, companies still perceived China, western Europe and North America as the best markets for transport investments in the...

Category: Transport

Zambia: Climate Change to Cost Zambia U.S.$53 Million in Next Five Years - AfDB


Times of Zambia by Kennedy Mupeseni

CLIMATE change will cost Zambia US$53 million in the next five years if measures are not put in place to minimise the impact, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has said. 


Category: General

Egypt signs power plant electrical operations contracts in Egypt


Egypt Commercial News

The Egyptian Ministry of Electricity has signed three contracts for electrical operations in the 650MW steam cycle thermal power plant being cosntructed in Suez city, 150km east of Cairo, Egypt.


Category: Energy

Africa's Emerging Market Boom



These days, the mere mention of emerging markets is probably enough to make investment bankers break out in a cold sweat. Recent darlings of the investment world-India, Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, Russia and others-have...

Category: General

La Banque mondiale suspend le financement d'un barrage hydroélectrique au Cameroun



La Banque mondiale (BM) a décidé de geler ses financements, de lordre de 66 milliards FCFA, destinés au projet de construction dun barrage hydroélectrique dans la localité camerounaise de Lom Pangar (Est), pour protester...

Category: Energy

Uganda: Donors pledge Shs968b for power lines


Daily Monitor

The African Development Bank (ADB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have both committed Shs350.5 billion towards the construction of the Bujagali interconnection lines, a switch yard and...

Category: Energy

Pour les infrastructures en Afrique centrale, le FMI recommande les montages PPP


Agence Ecofin A en croire Anne-Marie Gulde Wolf, la directrice adjointe du département Afrique du FMI, qui prend part à une conférence sur le développement des infrastructures en Afrique centrale, à Yaoundé ce 11 mars 2014,...

Category: General

Mozambique: 44 millions $ de l´AFD pour la réhabilitation des pistes de l´aéroport de Maputo


Agence Ecofin L´Agence française de développement (AFD) vient d´accorder au gouvernement mozambicain un prêt bonifié de 44 millions de dollars destiné à financer la réhabilitation des pistes de l'aéroport international de...

Category: General

AFC To Tackle Africa´s Infrastructure & Investment Deficit


The Africa Finance Corporation (AFC)  an African-led multilateral development financial institution whose mission is to improve African economies by proactively developing and financing infrastructure assets announces...

Category: General

Nigeria: The Risks and Benefits of "Cheap" Financing for the Electricity Industry


This DayNigeria& acute;s appetite for improved electricity supply is driving her demand for cheap private financing from various sources across the globe. Chineme Okafor examines the implications of government´s choice of...

Category: Energy

AFRICA INVESTMENT - Cash-rich African private equity still on a learning curve



Kenyan entrepreneur Ayisi Makatiani scrapped his first effort to launch a private equity fund 10 years ago because his pitch to invest in Africa couldn't raise enough cash to make it work.

Fast forward a decade...

Category: General

Development in Africa: How to make it last


The Economist

EVERY boom has its boosters and detractors. So it is with sub-Saharan Africa's economic advance in the past 15 years. GDP across the region has risen by an average 5.1% a year. The IMF forecasts further growth of...

Category: General

AfDB's Board to share perspectives on issues to influence Africa's transformation


Daily The Pak Banker

The Board of Director of the African Development Bank is holding its retreat in Tunis, and will focus on Transformation through the private sector - Effective partnership and assistance to Africa's private...

Category: General

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