Infrastructure News

Nigeria railway project 'revived'


After a three-year hiatus, the final 22 kilometres of railway going from Ovu to Warri in Nigeria is to be revived, the minister of transport has said - but some are calling for a wider scope.

Ibrahim Bio announced the government...

Category: Transport

Museveni: Transport infrastructure is key


Sub-Saharan Africa must urgently improve the road networks in order to develop, Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni has told the United Nations.

The General Assembly in New York heard how the continent's progress was heavily...

Category: Transport

Universal access to electricity for South Africa in 2012?


The South African electricity company Eskom is planning to invest billions of Dollars in its energy infrastructures over the next ten years in order to cover the country’s demand, according to CEO Kannan Lakmmeharan.

“Our aim of...

Category: Energy

AU: Regional power programmes vital


The infrastructure and energy commissioner for the African Union (AU) has said that power pooling could be a way for the whole continent to overcome energy problems.

In an interview with Reuters in Addis Ababa, Elham Ibrahim...

Category: Energy

Grant of 20 million Dollars for health improvement project in the Congo


On Wednesday 16th the African Development Bank (BAD/ADB) approved a grant of 20 million Dollars to finance a health improvement project in the cities of Brazzaville and Pointe Noire in the Republic of the Congo.

Initiated by the...

Category: Water

NSE: Allow us to help diversify electricity sources in Nigeria


The president of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) has offered the organisation's expertise and advice to the Nigerian government to help with the diversification and development of the country's energy sources.

Kashim Ali...

Category: Energy

AfDB: Rwanda water supply project 'to receive second $25m grant'


A programme aimed at improving the supply and sanitation of rural Rwanda's water supply has entered its second phase with the signature of a $25 million (£15.5 million) grant.

The African Development Bank (AfDB) signed the...

Category: Water

Nigeria making massive investment to upgrade energy infrastructures


The Minister of State with responsibility for energy, Nuhu Somo Way, has just announced approval by Nigeria of a number of new contracts, in particular in the field of energy, amounting to 43.5 million Dollars.

During an energy...

Category: Energy

Nuclear: South Africa and United States in co-operation


South Africa and the United States have signed an agreement for co-operation and research in the field of nuclear energy.

The agreement was signed in Vienna on Monday 14 September in the presence of the American Energy Secretary...

Category: Energy

Togo and Benin enter the fibre optic age


A Nigerian company, Phase 3, is going to be extending its fibre optic network to Benin and Togo, it was announced on Wednesday 16th.

The Phase 3 Group has signed an agreement with the Electricity Community of Benin for the...

Category: ICT

AfDB: $175m mining loan will benefit key sectors in Mauritania


A $175 million (£107 million) mining loan will contribute to both improving both infrastructure development and the business environment in Mauritania, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has said.

Receiving the funds is...

Category: General

Electrawinds to construct wind farm in South Africa


Belgian company Electrawinds has just announced the construction of a high production wind farm near Port Elizabeth in South Africa.

Commissioned by the Government, the farm will consist of 25 wind generators measuring 150...

Category: Energy

Gambian energy minister: Funding needed for rural energy projects


Gambia energy minister Ousman Jammeh has called for donors to help fund two projects identified in 2007 to improve rural electrification.

Represented by minister of the Interior Ousman Sonko, Mr Jammeh was reported by Foroyaa...

Category: Energy

Uganda: $100m bridge will serve both tourism and transport


Executive director of the Uganda National Roads authority Pete Ssebanakitta has announced the approval of a new bridge crossing the Nile.

Speaking through authority spokesperson Dan Alinange during a workshop in Kampala, the...

Category: Transport

Sasol moves towards independence with 2012 sufficiency goals


Sasol Synfuels has said it is suffering from rising prices due to Eskom's expansion projects and has announced plans to move towards independence using natural gas from Mozambique.

Chief executive officer Pat Davies declared that...

Category: Energy

NTIC expanding rapidly in Sub-Saharan Africa


The General Secretary of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Hamadoun Toure, made a statement this weekend about the scale of the progress achieved over the past few years in the field of new technologies in...

Category: ICT

Four major new projects involving water infrastructures launched in South Africa


A South African public construction company, TCTA, has announced that it is seeking to accrue 44 billion Rand (6 billion Dollars) to finance several infrastructure projects in the water sector, TCTA CEO Halima Nazeer announced on...

Category: Water

Ten Africa countries to benefit from sat broadband


An agreement between SES and Intersat will increase broadband penetration in ten eastern and central African countries, it has been announced.

Due to start in the January 2010, the deal is aimed at bringing internet to the...

Category: ICT

Launching of an inter-State electricity network project in East Africa


A joint project involving five states in the Nile region will be put into effect over the next five years, aimed at the development of transport and electricity distribution infrastructures.

The announcement was made on...

Category: General

Kenya: Appeal to save major water resource


On Wednesday 9 September 2009 the Kenyan government launched an appeal to partner organizations in the development sector with the aim of accruing 400 million Dollars so as to preserve one of the country’s principal water...

Category: Water

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