Infrastructure News

Energy infrastructure to improve in Africa?


Energy infrastructure in Africa may benefit from plans to promote clean development mechanism (CDM) activities.

Discussions have taken place involving the African Development Bank (AfDB) and other Nairobi Framework (NF)...

Category: Energy

Kenya to get improved transport infrastructure


Transport infrastructure in Naroibi, Kenya, is being improved thanks to ambitious plans.

As things stand, a 15km stretch of road can take up to an hour to complete because of the congestion in the central business district of the...

Category: Transport

Senegal announces 131 million dollars for access to water and sanitation


A huge project in the domain of infrastructures for sanitation and access to drinking water in Senegal was announced Monday November 29 by the Director of Rural Hydraulics, Diène...

Category: Water

South African wind farm gets 'increased investment'


A South African wind farm will benefit from a 146 million rand (£13.4 million) investment in it.

The project, which is located in the Eastern Cape province, will improve the energy infrastructure of the area, Business Week...

Category: Energy

African countries to get money for energy projects


Nine countries in Africa are to benefit from a project that will improve the energy infrastructure of the continent.

The 280 million Kenyan shilling (£2.3 million) scheme will see the nations make efficient use of...

Category: Energy

Tunisia: the government takes stock of its efforts in ITC


A conference on information and communication technologies was organised last Wednesday in Tunis, in collaboration with the World Bank.

Mohamed Ammar, minister of...

Category: ICT

Telecoms infrastructure development 'is helping Kenya'


Enhancements in telecoms infrastructure is set to bring economic growth to Kenya.

This is according to the latest forecast by the World Bank, which noted the economy will expand from 4.9 per cent in 2010 to 5.3 per cent in...

Category: ICT

The Port of Dakar seeks to raise 20 million USD via a bond issue


The autonomous Port of Dakar has launched a bond issue for nearly 20 million dollars, which was first listed Tuesday last.

100 percent guaranteed by the Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement, it...

Categories: Water, Transport, Energy

EU wants to strengthen regional integration in Africa


The third Africa-EU summit began Monday last in Tripoli, Libya. The president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, declared during the opening ceremony that the EU was determined to help...

Category: General

New plant in Tanzania 'to enhance energy infrastructure'


Tanzania's energy infrastructure is to benefit from a $2 million (£1.3 million) investment from Brazil.

The money will go towards building a hydro plant that could see the country turn into a net exporter of...

Category: Energy

Transport infrastructural developments 'needed in Eastern Africa'


East Africa needs to improve transport infrastructure in the area in order to foster long-term growth.

This is the view of Kelvin Kizito Kiyingi, writing for the Daily Monitor, who noted railway networks have to be enhanced if...

Category: Transport

Nigeria 'needs to improve infrastructure'


Nigeria has to improve infrastructure if it is to foster long-lasting growth in the country, one expert has claimed.

Gordon Brown, the former prime minister of the UK, observed the country will need to enhance roads, power and...

Categories: General, Transport, Energy

Launch of project to renew main highway between Ghana and Togo


The Ghanaian minister of public works, Joe Gidisu,  last Saturday announced the launch of the project to renew the Ho-Nyive-Shia-Honuta road which links Ghana to Togo.

The newspaper Republic of...

Category: Transport

South Africa 'to benefit from solar water heater manufacturing plant'


Energy infrastructure is to be improved in South Africa with the announcement that a 40 million rand (£3.6 million) manufacturing facility for solar water heaters has been launched.

The project will lead to the creation of...

Categories: Water, Energy

Total to cofinance Gabon's connection to submarine fiber-optic cable


The Gabonese subsidiary of the Total group has signed an agreement with the State of Gabon in order to share in the financing of the project to connect to a submarine fiber-optic cable, the PANA...

Category: ICT

African airports 'to see new aircraft'


Airports across Africa could benefit from new aircraft introduced by Ethiopian Airlines.

The organisation recently announced it has taken delivery of the first five models - the 777-200LR - becoming the first airline in the...

Category: Transport

Mauritania: Work starts on a wind farm


Last Sunday, the Mauritanian Prime Minister, Moulaye Laghdaf, laid the first stone at Nouadhibou for a wind farm.

With a capacity of 5 megawatts, it will comprise 16 wind turbines. The...

Category: Energy

Infrastructure development will be addressed at PPP conference


Infrastructure development is to be on the cards as the second Africa Public Private Partnership Conference prepares to get underway.

It will take place on December 1st and 2nd in Tunis and it will look to enhance the work of the...

Category: General

DRC: Construction of a second high-voltage line between Inga and Kinshasa


At the start of this week, the Société nationale d'électricité  (SNEL) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo signed an agreement with the Indian group Kalpa Taru for the construction of a...

Category: Energy

Africa's water infrastructure 'to improve with better governance'


Better governance can help to improve water infrastructure in Africa, a report has claimed.

It is called Water Sector Governance in Africa and the document seeks to discover whether or not poor administration had been the main...

Category: Water

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