Financing Electricity for Growth in Africa conference held on 12 December 2006

15 December 2006

The recent Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) meeting in Addis Ababa, from 19 to 20 June 2006, drew attention to the energy crisis facing much of the African continent. Members agreed that it deserved high-level attention and changes to the way donors and countries do business. The Secretariat to the Consortium was tasked with organising a meeting in late 2006, to help broker financing for regional electricity projects.

Financing Electricity for Growth in Africa, was held in Tunis on December 12th.

During this meeting, a series of projects were presented, which lend themselves to partnerships between the public and private sectors, or pure private sector funding solutions. The ICA Secretariat engaged the services of a project finance specialist, Partnerships UK, to help with the packaging of project information.

The agenda was conceived around 5 main sessions:

  1. Opening and Outline of the Day
  2. Case Studies and Perspectives
  3. Power Pools Overview
  4. Information on Key Projects
  5. Panel Discussion and Closing

Documents and presentations for download:

Initiates file downloadAgenda (Word, 68KB)
Initiates file downloadParticipants list (Excel, 66KB)
Initiates file downloadOutcomes Statement (Word, 213KB)
Initiates file downloadConcept note (Word, 172KB)

Session 1

Initiates file downloadPresident Mkapa's speech (Word, 48KB)
Initiates file downloadPresident Kaberuka’s Speech
(Word, 44KB)

Session 2

Initiates file downloadPresentation: First IPP in Nigeria (Powerpoint, 541KB)
Initiates file downloadPresentation: PPP in developing countries, the EDF experience

(Powerpoint, 2.2MB) [available in French only]

Session 3

Initiates file downloadComelec presentation (Powerpoint, 355KB)
Initiates file downloadEAPP presentation (Powerpoint, 119KB)
Initiates file downloadSAPP presentation
(Powerpoint, 558KB)
Initiates file downloadWAPP presentation (Powerpoint, 448KB)
Initiates file downloadCAPP presentation
(Powerpoint, 67KB)

Session 4

Initiates file downloadPartnerships UK presentation (Powerpoint, 239KB)
Initiates file downloadOverview of potential projects (Word, 284KB)

Session 5

Initiates file downloadGlobeleq Presentation (Powerpoint, 4.8MB)


Initiates file downloadKey Messages of the Meeting (Powerpoint, 855KB)

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