Le Cameroun va bitumer 35.000 km de route d'ici 2020
Le ministre des Travaux publics camerounais, Bernard Messengue Avom, a annoncé le 24 août dernier que 35.000 kilomètres de…
AfDB to reveal extent of infrastructure needs in Nigeria
The Africa Development Bank (AfDB) has revealed it will publish a report looking at Nigeria's infrastructure to determine what…
Nigeria's debt 'will have repercussions for its infrastructure'
Nigeria needs to reduce the amount of debt it has in order for the country to be able to develop and undertake infrastructure…
Le Malawi adopte une nouvelle politique nationale des TIC
Le Secrétaire chargé des TIC au Malawi, Hawa Ndilowe a présenté mardi dernier à Lilongwe, la capitale, la…
L'Inde accorde 70 millions USD au Congo pour l'extension du réseau électrique
Le Congo a reçu cette semaine un prêt de 70 millions de dollars de l'Inde afin de financer un projet…
Tanzania government to double water supply in Dar es Salaam
The water infrastructure in Tanzania is set to improve, after the government announced it will raise its investment to increase water…
Water supply in Africa has increased by 13%, report says
The water supply infrastructure in Africa has been improving as access to water has increased since 1990.
According to a recent report…
RDC : Un consortium indien va construire la centrale hydroélectrique de Katende
Le consortium indien BHEL-ANGELIQUE international Ltd a remporté l'appel d'offre lié à la…
Le Niger va construire 500km de routes par an
Le Premier ministre nigérien Brigi Rafini vient d'annoncer que son gouvernement prévoyait de lancer un nouveau programme de…
Helios Towers Africa announces plans for ICT investment in Tanzania
A new ICT investment scheme has been planned for Tanzania over the next five years, it has been revealed.
According to reports…