Actualités sur les infrastructures

La téléphonie mobile en plein boom sur le continent africain


Le S'il reste inférieur à celui des Européens ou de certains Asiatiques (plus particulièrement Japon, Corée du Sud, Chine), l'usage du téléphone mobile en Afrique se développe.

Le continent, qui a littéralement...

Catégorie: TIC

Internet use on mobile phones in Africa predicted to increase 20-fold


Researchers say increase will take place in next five years and will be double the rate of growth in rest of world.

Africa's claim to be the "mobile continent" is even stronger than previously thought,...

Catégorie: TIC

Microsoft : AfDB in new deal to enhance ICT use in Africa


All Africa

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has announced a partnership with Microsoft to invest $20 million as part of proposed measures to African governments to promote the use of ICTs.

The announcement was made last week...

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Pourquoi l'Afrique n'a pas la fibre numérique ?


Jeune Afrique

Manque d'infrastructures, faiblesse de la concurrence et services inadaptés... Le continent rate la révolution qui pourrait booster sa croissance. Pour l'instant.

"Tout est dans l'ordinateur", écrivait...

Catégorie: TIC

African Development Bank To Launch $3bn Infrastructure Fund



African Development Bank plans to launch a $3bn infrastructure fund to raise money to deliver on vital infrastructure on the continent.

The money will be raised from regional and non-African pension funds, insurance...

Catégories: Transport, Energie, Eau, TIC

Focus on Africa, says tech investor



Emerging markets are where investors should focus their energies to secure a place in the next wave of growth in technology companies, an industry insider insists.

"Ten years ago, I couldn't say 'I was global' if I...

Catégorie: TIC

Africa's Tech Edge


The Atlantic

How the continent's many obstacles, from widespread poverty to failed states, allowed African entrepreneurs to beat the West at reinventing money for the mobile age.

It's a painfully First World problem: Splitting...

Catégorie: TIC

Facebook s'apprête à lancer un service de transfert d'argent à l'international


Agence Ecofin

Le réseau social Facebook a entamé des discussions avec la Banque centrale d´Irlande et des start-ups londoniennes en vue de lancer un service de transfert d´argent à l´international, rapporte le quotidien...

Catégorie: TIC

Smart solar energy for Africa


Deutsche Welle

The Berlin-based Mobisol company is bringing power to places where there has been none. By combining mobile phone technology and solar power generators, the company aims to electrify African homes.

To get an...

Catégorie: TIC

Guebuza calls for infrastructure investment in Africa



Mozambican President Armando Guebuza says investment in transport, communications and energy infrastructures is not just a business opportunity but is a crucial ingredient for peace and security in Africa, APA learns here...

Catégories: Energie, Transport, Eau, TIC

The trillion-dollar gap. How to get more of the world’s savings to pay for new roads, airports and electricity


The Economist

If you have been to New York’s La Guardia airport recently, taken a train during London’s rush hour, tried to drive in Lagos or endured one of India’s ubiquitous power cuts, you will have first-hand knowledge of...

Catégories: Energie, Transport, TIC, Eau

How do we accelerate internet access in Africa?



If bandwidth is like water, then Africa is a desert with Perrier vending machines everywhere. If you have money, you're fine. If you don't have money, you're dying of thirst. Although over 70% of Africans have a mobile...

Catégorie: TIC

Africa's first locally-made smartphone is almost here - but is the continent ready for it?


African Enterprise

As the continent's smartphone sales and data consumption increase, companies are now beginning to release African-made devices. Are buyers ready for them?

The upcoming release of the io, South Africa's first...

Catégorie: TIC

Growing internet use in Africa ‘to lift contribution to economies’


Business Day

Growing use of the internet in Africa could add $300bn a year to the continent's gross domestic product (GDP) by 2025, according to a report released on Wednesday by global consulting firm McKinsey.

Further, the...

Catégorie: TIC

Connect Africa: Driving the online highway


Times Live

Is your internet connection fast enough? Google's Brett StClair suggests a simple test: go to YouTube and see if you get what he calls "the international sign of poor connectivity" - those rotating flashes...

Catégorie: TIC

Africa: Satellite's Next Biggest Hot Spot


Via Satellite

Africa has a population of more than 1 billion people and there is still significant lack of terrestrial infrastructure in many countries, broadening the digital divide. This scenario means satellite is well placed...

Catégorie: TIC

Empowering Africa's Entrepreneurs



Ashish Thakkar launched his first company - buying and reselling computers - when he was 15 years old.No, despite that boyish face, it that wasn´t last year - it was 1996, two years after he and his family fled the...

Catégories: Infrastructures générales, TIC

Africa: Prime Minister Hailemariam Urges Africa to Establish Its Own Media Network


Government of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)

Prime Minister Hailemariam urged participants at the African Media Leaders Forum to consider building a continental media network.

The theme of the African Media Leaders Forum, meeting this...

Catégorie: TIC

El Gazala, la "Silicon Valley" tunisienne qui se tourne vers l'Afrique


La Tribune

Enseignement supérieur, entreprises, recherche, le pôle tunisien d'El Gazala, proche de Tunis, attire depuis plus de dix ans les profils et projets high-tech. En pleine expansion, ce techno-parc tunisien vise...

Catégorie: TIC

Tunisie: Le gouvernement puisera dans le fonds de la vente de Tunisie Télécom 


Source: WebManagerCenter

Elyes Fakhfakh, ministre des Finances, a affirmé que 500 millions de dollars (près de 816 millions de dinars) provenant de la cession de parts de «Tunisie Télécom», seront alloués au budget de l'Etat...

Catégorie: TIC

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