Actualités sur les infrastructures

Kenya moves to improve sole refinery's efficiency


Reuters - 17 April 2012

Kenya has taken steps to transform its sole oil refinery from a heavily-subsidised operation to improve its efficiency and bring down costs of its products, the energy ministry said on Tuesday.


Catégories: Transport, Energie, Infrastructures générales

Kgalema Motlanthe on the history of mining in South Africa


politicsweb - 17 April 2012

Excerpts from Address by Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe at the opening of the Ninth International Mining History Congress, Gold Reef City, Johannesburg, April 17

a conference of this magnitude...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

What is holding back trade in Africa?


Business Day - 17 April 2012

What is holding back trade in Africa?

Business Day talks to Valentine Rugwabiza of the World Trade Organisation about the need for barriers to trade between African countries to be...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Kenyan TransCentury expects jump in profit


Reuters - 17 April 2012

Kenya's TransCentury (TCL.NR) expects net profit for the first half of this year to surpass full year profit for 2011 after it tripled capacity at its electric cable and transformer plants, its chief...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

South Africa: Motlanthe Opening Remarks at Infrastructure Coordinating Commission Conference


Government of South Africa - 13 April 2012

Opening remarks by Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe, at the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC) Provincial and Local Government Conference, Ekurhulen


Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

IFC, IDB to invest $100 mln in MENA infrastructure


Reuters - 17 April 2012

DUBAI, April 17 (Reuters) - The International Finance Corp (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, and Islamic Development Bank (IDB) jointly plan to invest up to $100 million on major infrastructure...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Nigeria Tested by Rapid Rise in Population


New York Times - 14 April 2012


Nigeria, already the world’s sixth most populous nation with 167 million people, is a crucial test case, since its success or failure at bringing down birthrates will have outsize...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Give China all the roads; traditional donors have moved on to other projects


East African - 14 April 2012

In her column last week, Rasna Warah offered a critique of “traditional donors” in Africa, and heralded a new approach, led by China and embodied most recently by Turkey.

What is this “new...

Catégories: Transport, Infrastructures générales

African countries must reduce their dependence on donor funds


East African - 14 April 2012

Africa has experienced a rapid economic growth spurt in the past decade however private investment still remains low in the continent. BERNA NAMATA sounded out the deputy director IMF Africa...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Nigeria militants threaten South Africa investments


Agence France Presse - 15 avril 2012

LAGOS — Nigeria's militant group MEND threatened on Saturday to attack South Africa's investments, including telecoms firm MTN, in the Niger Delta, because of the terror trial of its leader...

Catégories: Infrastructures générales, TIC

South Africa keen to move ahead with plans to unlock 'northern mineral belt'


Creamer Media's Engineering News - 13 April 2012

JOHANNESBURG ( – Plans for unlocking South Africa's coal- and platinum-rich northern mineral belt through transport, water and energy interventions, were...

Catégories: Energie, Infrastructures générales, Transport, Eau

Africa to spend $72bn a year on infrastructure, but shortfall persists


Creamer Media's Engineering News - 11 April 2012

Africa is able to spend about $72-billion a year on infrastructure, but there remains a $480-billion shortfall over the next decade, President Jacob Zuma said on Wednesday.


Catégories: Infrastructures générales, Energie, Transport, Eau

Coming back to bite...


This is Africa - March 5, 2012

African governments once rushed into signing bilateral investment treaties to encourage FDI. Lawyers are now calling for new models

With much of Africa’s investment coming from abroad, how ...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Vast majority of UK businesses see growing opportunity in Africa but potential not being realised; new report


Barclays - 2 April 2012

Africa is a region of opportunity for UK businesses and British goods and services have an excellent reputation across the continent, but the potential of the region is far from being realised by...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

'UK must take Africa opportunity' says Barclays report


Manchester Evening News - 11 April 2012

UK companies need to do more to take advantages of opportunities to win customers among the growing African middle classes, according to a new report.

A Barclays survey of UK companies...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

South Africa in massive freight rail drive


South - 11 April 2012

South African state transport and logistics company Transnet has announced the details of a R300-billion investment in infrastructure that it says will create over half-a-million new jobs...

Catégories: Transport, Infrastructures générales

South Africa: Industrial Policy Action Plan (video)


Creamer Media - 10 April 2012

Creamer Media's Mariaan Webb speaks to Engineering News editor Terence Creamer about the latest version of the Industrial Policy Action Plan.

Watch this video by Creamer Media in ICA General...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

East Africa not ready to reap benefits as tourism destination


Daily Monitor - 10 April 2012

Endowed with enduring natural diversity, great climate, rich cultures and receptive people, East Africa is one of Africa’s leading tourism destinations. Recently, US based New York Times recently...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Infrastructural deficit hurting EAC integration


New Vision (Uganda) - 10 April 2012

Infrastructural investment is crucial if East African region wants to receive the full benefits of regional integration, a senior government official has said.

Al Hajji Rashid Kibowa the...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Tanesco reveals plans to improve Tanzania's energy infrastructure


Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) has revealed details of its ambitious plans to improve the country's energy sector, saying that the improvement could cost at least Tsh1.3 trillion (US$815.82 million).


Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

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