Actualités sur les infrastructures

AfDB continues to support low-carbon development pathways for Africa


Sierra Express Media 13/07/2013

For the fifth time the African Development Bank  was a co-organizer of the Africa Carbon Forum (ACF) along with UN agencies, the World Bank and the International Emissions Trading As...

Catégorie: Energie

The advantages of investing in Africa


CampdenFB (UK)

The need for widespread access to electricity in Africa presents a big opportunity to investors - will they follow Obama's example? Marie-France Mathes, managing director and head of Investor Relations at...

Catégorie: Energie

Handing Africa the power to charge ahead


Can Obama's 'Power Africa' Initiative Double Access to Electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa? Following in the footsteps of his two presidential predecessors, Obama unveiled his signature Africa initiative:...

Catégorie: Energie

Rehoboth Sign-Up to Cellphone Banking Pre-Paid Electricity


First National Bank (FNB) has partnered with the Rehoboth Town Council to sell pre-paid electricity to Rehoboth residents via FNB's cellphone banking service.

Rehoboth is the latest town to make use of this...

Catégories: Energie, TIC

President Jammeh Pledges Electricity for Marakisa


The Gambian leader has pledged to provide Marakisa Ward in the Kombo Central District of West Coast Region (WCR) with uninterrupted electricity supply and a technical high school, among many other development...

Catégorie: Energie

AfDB Organizes the Second All-Africa Energy Week


The African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Union Commission (AUC), and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) have co-organized the second “All Africa Energy Week (AAWE)” event to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from...

Catégorie: Energie

Strong support for South Africa’s renewables model as first deals are concluded


Creamer Media's Engineering News - There was an overwhelmingly positive reaction from developers, investors, financiers and suppliers on Monday, November 5, to the eventual signing of the agreements needed to facilitate the...

Catégorie: Energie

Africa urged to invest in engineering skills to meet energy demands


Creamer Media's Engineering News - Education should be prioritised in Africa to produce the skills needed to meet the continent’s growing energy demands, French energy and railways solutions group Alstom VP for regulatory...

Catégorie: Energie

South Africa: $10m line of credit to help SMMEs invest in energy efficient projects


Creamer Media's Engineering News - The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank’s private-sector lending arm, is partnering with Sasfin Bank to develop a portfolio of energy efficiency and renewable-energy...

Catégorie: Energie

Une étude se penche sur le rôle de l’énergie éolienne dans la croissance économique en Afrique


African Development Bank - La mise en place des centrales éoliennes constitue « une approche originale" pour les pays africains en quête d’assurer une croissance économique durable », souligne une étude rendue publique...

Catégorie: Energie

South Africa: All systems go for first R47bn in renewables investments


Creamer Media's Engineering News - Following several delays, government confirmed on Monday that the framework is now in place for the first 28 wind and solar projects, identified as preferred bidders under South Africa’s...

Catégorie: Energie

South Africa’s $40 Billion Water Gap Threatens Economy


Bloomberg - Concrete patches on the canals snaking through Nico Greeff’s vineyards betray constant repairs to an outmoded irrigation system that’s the lifeblood of farming in South Africa’s arid west.

“The water infrastructure...

Catégories: Eau, Energie

Rwanda: Kagame Rallies Support for Clean Energy

23/10/2012 - President Paul Kagame has said investing in green energy will promote sustainable economic growth globally.

He made the remarks yesterday while addressing the third World Energy Forum 2012 currently underway in...

Catégorie: Energie

DBSA approves R9.6bn for renewable energy projects


Creamer Media's Engineering News - The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) has approved loans amounting to R9.6-billion for 14 renewable-energy projects with a combined capacity of 896.5 MW, the development finance...

Catégorie: Energie

Kenya’s Lake Turkana Wind Project Delayed Again by Lending Talks


Bloomberg Business Week - Kenya’s Lake Turkana Wind Power Ltd. said financing talks will again delay the start of construction of a 611 million-euro ($795 million) wind farm, billed as sub- Saharan Africa’s largest.


Catégorie: Energie

Tanzania: Dar es Salaam to Spend U.S.$ 247.6 Million On Development Projects

17/10/2012 (East African Business Week) - DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania is expected to spend $247.6m grant in development projects for three-year, thanks to the excellent bilateral cooperation with the Germany government.


Catégories: Energie, Eau, Infrastructures générales

Liberia Maintains Strong Advocacy for Supports to Energy Sector At World Confab in Tokyo


All - Liberia's Finance Minister, Amara Konneh knows first-hand what access to electricity can bring to the developing countries, particularly in his post-conflict Liberia where the need for restoring the energy...

Catégories: Energie, Eau

South Africa - Broad-based call for grid-access rules certainty


Creamer Media's Engineering News - State-owned power utility Eskom, regulatory authority the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) and an independent power analyst called for the finalisation of revisions to laws...

Catégorie: Energie

Ethiopian Builder Sees Revenue Doubling on Infrastructure Spend


Bloomberg Business Week - Sur Construction Plc, a construction company with ties to Ethiopia’s ruling party, expects to almost double revenue this year as the state boosts investment in infrastructure, General Manager Tadesse...

Catégories: Energie, Transport, TIC, Infrastructures générales

How corporates benefit from Africa's new business deals


Africa Report - When African telecom companies started to emerge in the late 1990s, many scoffed. How could it be, went the general chatter, that Africans have money to spend on telecoms? Several multi-millionaires later, after...

Catégories: TIC, Energie

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