Commercial bank Absa has partnered with French development finance institution Agence Français de Developpmente (AFD) to offer R400-million worth of loan financing to...
Ethiopia is pursuing a massive dam building project that it hopes will generate alternative sources of power, but critics have said the endeavour will be an environmental disaster.
JOHANNESBURG — South Africa’s energy regulator said on Friday last week it had cut the increase in electricity rates for power utility Eskom to 16 percent for the 2012/13 financial year from a...
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The African Development Bank (AfDB) said on Monday it would loan Kenya 21.8 billion shillings to finance the construction of roads and energy projects in east Africa's biggest...
Le Directeur Général de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Zerah Dov, et le Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances guinéen, Kerfala Yansané, ont signé, le lundi...
La Côte d’Ivoire, la Sierra Leone, le Libéria et la Guinée ont adopté un projet de traité concernant l’interconnexion des réseaux électriques locaux lors de la...
Le Ministre de l’Energie nigérian a déclaré que des investissements à hauteur de 100 milliards USD étaient nécessaires à la production et à la distribution de 40 000...
Gabon has launched a rigorous initiative to revamp the energy sector to meet investors’ demands as well as the needs of the population, said Patrick Rodrigue Yalis Ongala, the director of...
Among the current economic news in Tanzania is the announcements of oil and gas discoveries in various parts of the country. The latest announcement of gas discovery is by the Norway’s...
BRAZZAVILLE (Xinhua) - La 28ème session du Comité intergouvernemental des experts (CIE) de l'Afrique centrale, a appelé vendredi à Brazzaville, les chefs d'Etat africains de la sous-région, à...
La 28e session du Comité intergouvernemental d'experts (CIE), tenue du 29 février au 2 mars au Congo, a abouti à la publication d'une déclaration dite de Brazzaville
(RTTNews) - India's largest integrated private power utility firm Tata Power Co. Ltd. said its subsidiary Khopoli Investments Ltd. and South Africa-based firm Exxaro Resources Ltd. formed a 50:50 joint...
Efforts to exploit geothermal reserves for electricity generation appear to gather more steam with drilling of the first exploration wells in Karisimbi scheduled to commence in August.
Johannesburg, South Africa - In a move to innovate and participate in South Africa’s national energy shortage, ICT services company Business Connexion has launched its Energy Efficiency...
Kenya Power has announced that it is near to converting the overhead power lines to an underground cable system in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, as well as Mombasa and Kisumu, Capital FM has reported.
Le Kenya va soumettre le mois prochain un projet de loi simplifié clarifiant les bases juridiques des partenariats public-privé afin d'attirer des investisseurs pour financer ses projets d'infrastructures,...