South Africa labor strikes spread to transport sector

25 septembre 2012

Washington Post: JOHANNESBURG — South Africa’s labor strikes spread Tuesday from its mines to the transport sector and the country’s transport union says over 20,000 road freight employees are on strike demanding a pay increase.

South African Transport and Allied Workers’ Union said road freight employees are demanding a 12 percent pay increase. Employers had offered an 8.5 percent increase, an offer that was rejected in the Gauteng province earlier Tuesday, SATAWU spokesman Vincent Masoga said. The workers also want an equal increase for workers classified under the council’s extended bargaining unit, he said.

Striking truck drivers gathered in Johannesburg Tuesday, and threw stones at passing trucks, according to the South Africa Press Association.

The union said workers decided to strike after a deadlock in wage negotiations since June. If it continues the strike will affect the delivery of goods including gasoline and food items.

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