Large hydro projects planned for Africa

11 novembre 2011

The African Union (AU) has met to discuss the implementation of large hydropower projects across the continent, according to Coast Week.

As part of the Hydro 2020 initiative, a summit met to discuss the paradox between Africa's immense resources of energy and its poverty, which means many projects cannot be undertaken due to a lack of funds.

The summit also discussed the cooperation between the European Union and the AU on hydropower development, with ministers saying that a tiny amount of Africa's potential power has been harnessed so far.

Aboubakari Baba-Moussa, the AU's director of infrastructure and energy development told reporters that finance is the key to realising Africa's hydropower potential.

He stressed the importance of energy infrastructure development in Africa, reminding people that the continent should try to harness more than 90 per cent of its hydropower potential.

Hydropower projects are already underway across Africa, including a massive plant being built in Morocco that will generate 1,070 MW of energy for the north African nation.

Catégorie: Energie

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