Africa: U.S. in Drive to Boost Africa's Energy Supply

25 avril 2012 - 24 April 2012

As I fly over Africa at night - a regular occurrence in my job - the continent is an indelible image of sporadic pinpricks of light that identify the largest cities and towns, with millions of acres of darkness in between.

According to a recent study by the International Energy Agency, only 20 to 30 percent of the population in sub-Saharan Africa has access to power. Where power is available, it is usually expensive, unreliable, and inefficient. For those of us working on African affairs, the lack of sufficient reliable energy is a pivotal issue that affects our political and economic engagement in the region.

Increasing Africans' access to energy is one of the top priorities of the Bureau of African Affairs of the United States Department of State.


Catégorie: Energie

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