Actualités sur les infrastructures

Video: South Africa - Profile of O.R.TAMBO International Airport


Profile on Africa's busiest airport, and on how Airports Company South Africa was able to make radical infrastructure development rapidly needed for the 2010 Fifa World Cup without closing the airport or affecting operations...

Catégorie: Transport

SAA receives much-anticipated R5bn guarantee


(Engineering News) - The South African government confirmed on Tuesday that a much-anticipated, and highly controversial, R5-billion guarantee had been extended to South African Airways (SAA) for a period of two years, ...

Catégorie: Transport

South Africa: Troubled parastatals look to Africa for growth


(Mail & Guardian) - Malusi Gigaba's department of public enterprises has set its eyes on the burgeoning markets in the rest of Africa in a bid to grow profits for the country's ailing parastatals.

...Gigaba said the...

Catégorie: Transport

Reducing Poverty in South Africa by Cutting Time in Traffic


(IPS) - In South Africa, Bus Rapid Transit systems, which were pioneered to great effect in Latin American countries such as Colombia and Brazil, are being promoted as potentially effective ways of delivering improved public...

Catégorie: Transport

Namibia: Mobile Sector Still Under-Developed


( Era) - Namibia is not far behind in catching up with mobile communication technologies since the first ever-mobile communication device was launched in 1996.

Even though there is still room for improvement,...

Catégorie: TIC

South Africa: Provincial roads maintenance backlog nearly 11 000 km


(Creamer Media's Engineering News) - The Department of Transport has set aside a R6.47-billion grant to ease the road maintenance and repair backlog for provincial roads in South Africa during the 2011/12 financial year, said...

Catégorie: Transport

Kenya port to benefit as rebels quit Somalia's Kismayu


(Reuters) - Kenya's main port of Mombasa, East Africa's chief trade gateway, expects more business after an offensive that has driven rebels out of Somalia's Kismayu port and is therefore likely to reduce offshore piracy ...

Catégorie: Transport

Kenya: Power Line to Ethiopia Ready

02/10/2012 (East African Business Week): Nairobi — The African Development Fund will finance a multibillion electricity highway project between Kenya and Ethiopia to the tune of $348 million.

The line will see Kenya achieve...

Catégorie: Energie

Interview: V. Bassant, Director of Cooperation & Infrastructure, Ministry of Finance & Economic Development, Mauritius


African Development Bank: In this interview, Mr. Bassant underscores the important role of the AfDB in future infrastructure and energy projects in his country, following a brainstorming session organized by the Bank’s...

Catégorie: Energie

Prix d’excellence du Trésor américain pour le projet routier Mali-Sénégal : Quelles leçons la BAD doit-elle en tirer pour engranger d’autres projets à succès?


Banque africaine de développement : Le projet d’amélioration du réseau routier Bamako-Dakar, qui a remporté, le 8 juin 2012 à Washington DC, le prix d’excellence du Trésor américain pour «le projet à fort impact sur le ...

Catégorie: Transport

Madagascar: Lower Mangoky Irrigation Area Rehabilitation Project


African Development Bank: Compared to the rest of the country, southern Madagascar experiences cyclical droughts that threaten the population’s food security. In general, the country’s agricultural performance has remained...

Catégorie: Eau

$250bn investments in MENA rail projects until 2015


MUSCAT — A project rail boom within the transport sector in the Middle East and North Africa is expected to materialise in the next three years as the region allocates more than $250 billion worth of investments in various...

Catégorie: Transport

South Africa labor strikes spread to transport sector


Washington Post: JOHANNESBURG — South Africa’s labor strikes spread Tuesday from its mines to the transport sector and the country’s transport union says over 20,000 road freight employees are on strike demanding a pay...

Catégorie: Transport

Liberia: World Bank Funds to Tackle More Road Projects

25/09/2012 (The New Dawn): The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors Thursday approved US$50 million to help Government of Liberia to tackle gridlock on a major road linking the capital city of Monrovia to the Guinea...

Catégorie: Transport

What Arik Air’s Suspension Meant For Nigeria


VENTURES AFRICA – The transport network of Africa’s most populous nation was left in limbo last week as Arik Air, Nigeria’s biggest airline, suspended domestic flights for four consecutive days. The suspension – which took...

Catégorie: Transport

South African Minister recommends Shift of African investment towards industry


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD): Africa has a bright future for attracting investment, but must use the opportunity to boost industry and improve infrastructure, H.E. Mr. Rob Davies, Minister of...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

The Emerging Phenomenon Of Community Knowledge Centers In Africa (includes video)


Huffington Post: In today's world access to digital information is must be a basic human right and is a necessity for economic viability. Unfortunately, Africa is disadvantaged compared to other continents because of its lack ...

Catégorie: TIC

South Africa's first utility-scale solar inverter factory opens


Creamer Media's Engineering News: International power equipment supplier 3W Power/AEG Power Solutions has officially opened a manufacturing facility, in the Western Cape, which has the capacity to produce 200 MW/year of solar...

Catégorie: Energie

East Africa's Energy Boom

24/09/2012 Gas discoveries in Mozambique and Tanzania, and rising estimates for oil in Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Puntland, are attracting global energy companies.

In July, European Commission president José Manuel...

Catégorie: Energie

Zim’s infrastructure growth hailed


The Herald: ZIMBABWE’S level of infrastructure growth is the same as that of neighbouring South Africa, PTA Bank president Mr Admassu Yilma Tadesse said in Harare last week. Mr Tadesse told delegates to the ZimBuild ...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

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