Actualités sur les infrastructures

Tanzania: Serengeti Airport Gets Green Light

06/11/2012 - THE Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA) has Okayed the construction of an international airport in Mugumu town of Serengeti District, Mara Region.

Read the full article...

Catégorie: Transport

New low-cost African airline to sell first tickets next week


Creamer Media's Engineering News - New low-cost African carrier Fastjet would start selling tickets next week, ahead of its first flight later this month, the company, which is featuring the African Grey Parrot as its logo,...

Catégorie: Transport

Strong support for South Africa’s renewables model as first deals are concluded


Creamer Media's Engineering News - There was an overwhelmingly positive reaction from developers, investors, financiers and suppliers on Monday, November 5, to the eventual signing of the agreements needed to facilitate the...

Catégorie: Energie

Africa urged to invest in engineering skills to meet energy demands


Creamer Media's Engineering News - Education should be prioritised in Africa to produce the skills needed to meet the continent’s growing energy demands, French energy and railways solutions group Alstom VP for regulatory...

Catégorie: Energie

South Africa: $10m line of credit to help SMMEs invest in energy efficient projects


Creamer Media's Engineering News - The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank’s private-sector lending arm, is partnering with Sasfin Bank to develop a portfolio of energy efficiency and renewable-energy...

Catégorie: Energie

Une étude se penche sur le rôle de l’énergie éolienne dans la croissance économique en Afrique


African Development Bank - La mise en place des centrales éoliennes constitue « une approche originale" pour les pays africains en quête d’assurer une croissance économique durable », souligne une étude rendue publique...

Catégorie: Energie

Zimbabwe: Humanitarian Crisis Looms in Harare

02/11/2012 - Despite water being central to life on this planet, in Zimbabwe and especially Harare it is something that seems to be taken for granted. An investigation into Harare’s unending water crisis indicates that doom...

Catégorie: Eau

Tanzania: Dar es Salaam Set to Meet Urban Water Targets

02/11/2012 - TANZANIA expects to attain average water availability targets of between 90 and 100 per cent in major regional urban centres throughout the country by December 2014, but has doubts of meeting the 65 per cent ...

Catégorie: Eau

Opinion: Sound water policy: Govt can't do it alone (South Africa)


Mail & Guardian - The challenge of managing our water resources requires proactive solutions, especially with the reality of climate change on our doorstep. In addition to this grim reality, there is a need to address ...

Catégorie: Eau

Botswana and South Africa sign Memorandum of Cooperation


SELEBI-PHIKWE: The Minister of Transport and Communications, Nonofo Molefhi and his South African counterpart, Minister of Transport, Ben Martins, have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

The memorandum, which was signed on ...

Catégorie: Transport

The Sleeping Giants Of African Mobile Payments


TechCrunch - Kenya’s M-PESA is the poster child for mobile money services in Africa, but it is also increasingly gaining attention further abroad. It is, however, only one of the mobile payment systems on the continent that...

Catégorie: TIC

South Africa: Global recognition for SA-linked water innovation


Creamer Media's Engineering News - A South African-linked innovation, which is able to turn seawater into an alternative water, energy and fertiliser resource, has won the Global Grand Honour Award of Applied Research at the...

Catégorie: Eau

South Africa: All systems go for first R47bn in renewables investments


Creamer Media's Engineering News - Following several delays, government confirmed on Monday that the framework is now in place for the first 28 wind and solar projects, identified as preferred bidders under South Africa’s...

Catégorie: Energie

Uganda: Kenya-China Rail to Aid Coal Imports to Uganda

25/10/2012 - The new railway line Kenya and Chinese authorities are planning on will transport coal from Tanzania to Uganda for steel making.

The rail deal worth $2.6 billion is one of those infrastructure components that...

Catégorie: Transport

Removing barriers to Nigeria’s ICT growth


The Guardian (Nigeria) - At the just concluded International Telecommunications Union Telecoms World conference in Dubai, UAE, global leaders in ICT asked governments to soften on taxation , if growth must be evenly spread. ...

Catégorie: TIC

Lifting barriers could unlock Africa food trade: World Bank


(Reuters) - Africa could avoid food shortages if it reduces the tangled web of rules, fees and high costs strangling regional food trade and by putting large swathes of uncultivated land to productive use, a World Bank report...

Catégorie: Transport

Liberia: Germany Gives Six Million to Transport Sector

24/10/2012 - A six-million euro joint implementation agreement for technical cooperation projects has been concluded between the governments of Liberia and Germany for capacity building in the transport sector.


Catégorie: Transport

Lesotho Water Project Expansion Costs May Increase by 15%


Bloomberg - The cost to extend a project that brings water to South Africa’s industrial hub from Lesotho has risen about 15 percent to 9 billion rand ($1.02 billion) from a December 2010 estimate, a South African official said....

Catégorie: Eau

South Africa’s $40 Billion Water Gap Threatens Economy


Bloomberg - Concrete patches on the canals snaking through Nico Greeff’s vineyards betray constant repairs to an outmoded irrigation system that’s the lifeblood of farming in South Africa’s arid west.

“The water infrastructure...

Catégories: Eau, Energie

Why investors are into Africa


Independent Online (South Africa) - Increasingly, the case for investing in Africa is made on the basis that this “last frontier” is now in a strong position to develop, to urbanise its growing and relatively young population,...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

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