Actualités sur les infrastructures

IFC backs South Sudan’s non-oil revenue plans


Sudan Tribune |February 16, 2012

(JUBA) — Jean Philippe Prosper, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) director for Eastern and Southern Africa has said South Sudan needs a vibrant private sector, if the country is to...

South Africa - Infrastructure: Patel cracks the whip


Mail & Guardian online  | February 17, 2012

The government is taking a tough-love approach to drive its bold, integrated R1-trillion infrastructure plan and the state will crack the whip on both private sector and...

Rwanda: Contourglobal Wins Award for Kivuwatt Project

17/02/2012 | February 17, 2012

ContourGlobal, a New York based power supply company, was recently awarded the 2011 Africa Power Deal of the Year by Euromoney's Project Finance magazine for its U$142 million KivuWatt ...

AfDB makes USD 100m loan for better water and sanitation in Nigeria


AfDB | February 16, 2012

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a loan of USD 100 million to improve water and sanitation in the city of Zaria in northern Nigeria through the African Development Fund, its ...

240 millions USD de la BM pour un projet de centrale électrique en Egypte


La Banque mondiale vient d'accorder un prêt de 240 millions de dollars à l’Egypte afin de financer la construction de la centrale électrique de Gizeh-Nord.

Alimentée au gaz, la centrale...

Catégorie: Energie

Zimbabwe: Shot in Arm for Dualisation

16/02/2012 | February 16, 2012

The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and the Government of Zimbabwe yesterday signed an agreement under which the bank will extend a grant of US$1 million to cover the costs of a...

African and Asian regulators successfully conclude consultations in Colombo


Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation | February 15, 2012

Colombo -- Following two days of intense deliberations, the Africa-Asia Regulatory Conference successfully ended today with regulators from Africa and Asia,...

World Bank President Zoellick to Step Down June 30th


WORLD BANK - WASHINGTON, February 15, 2012 – World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick announced today he would step down at the end of a five-year term in which a transformed Bank played an historic role during the...

Ethiopia receives funding to upgrade major roads


TRL News Hub | February 15, 2012

Ethiopia is set to upgrade its transport infrastructure with a $234.5 million (£149 million) loan from the African Development Bank.The money will be used to reconstruct two roads that...

Tracking how the world guzzles water


New York Times | February 15, 2012

With the world’s freshwater supplies under mounting pressure from pollution and galloping consumption, understanding the how, where and why of water use is more important than ever.

To that...

IEA frets over Sudanese oil dispute


PARIS, Feb. 15 (UPI) -- The International Energy Agency said revenue disputes between Sudan and South Sudan means overall production estimates are down 25 percent.

South Sudan gained control of most of the oil reserves when...

Energy: Cape Town initiates net-metering pilot project


Creamer Media's Engineering News (South Africa)  | February 15, 2012

The City of Cape Town has initiated a net-metering pilot project to allow domestic energy producers to feed electricity back into the grid, Dr...

UPDATE 1-BHP not to build Congo plant, setback for hydro plan


KINSHASA, Feb 15 (Reuters) - BHP Billiton's decision to abandon plans for an aluminium smelter in the Democratic Republic of Congo could create problems for the planned Inga 3 hydro power project, the energy minister said on...

Desire to hit infrastructure target explains FG’s fresh borrowing


Business Day | February 16, 2012

Nigeria’s huge developmental needs make it imperative to borrow to finance infrastructure and other developmental projects, with an aim to improving the lives of citizens analysts say,...

Le Sénégal lance plusieurs travaux d'infrastructures routières et hydrauliques à Sédhiou


Le gouvernement du Sénégal a lancé plusieurs projet de construction et réhabilitation d'infrastructures routières et hydrauliques afin de désenclaver et développer la...

Catégorie: Transport

Annonce d'un vaste projet gazier en Algérie


Un consortium algérien, espagnol, allemand et Italien prévoit d'injecter près de trois milliards de dollars dans un projet de construction de champs gaziers à Reggane nord, dans le Sahara...

Catégorie: Energie

Plans to integrate Kenya with Ethiopia and South Sudan 'nearing completion'


Antony Wamukota of the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Ltd has confirmed that an ambitious infrastructure project that is designed to integrate Lamu to other parts of the country is set for completion, the Nairobi Star has...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

U.S. energy trade mission to invest $1.5 bn in Nigeria


Business Day | February 14, 2012

A US energy trade mission, led by deputy assistant secretary for African Affairs, William Fitzgerald said on Tuesday that the trade mission will invest $1.5 billion on energy business in...

ERHC Energy Inc. Provides Details on Chad Exploration Program


Market Watch - Wall Street Journal | Feb 14, 2012

(GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- ERHC Energy Inc., a publicly traded American company with oil and gas assets in Sub-Saharan Africa, has provided an update on its...

General Electric veut produire 10000 MW au Nigeria


Agence Ecofin | 15 février 2012

Lors d’une rencontre avec le ministre nigérian de l'énergie à Abuja, les représentants du groupe américain General Electric ont annoncé leur intention de prendre pied dans le secteur...

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