Actualités sur les infrastructures

Nigeria: Govt to Use Sure Funds to Complete Road Projects

26/04/2012 - 24 April 2012

The Federal Government will use funds from the Subsidy Re-investment and Empowerment (SURE) programme to complete ongoing road constructions and rehabilitation projects in the country.


Catégorie: Transport

South Sudan to Get Aid From China; No Oil Deal


New York Times - 25 April 2012

BEIJING — China has welcomed the president of South Sudan and agreed to provide bank loans and humanitarian aid, but it has stopped short of moving forward on an oil pipeline, a sign of the ...

Catégories: Infrastructures générales, Energie

Pennine Energy develops waterless toilet for rural areas (video)


ABNDigital - 25 April 2012

A hi-tech waterless toilet for densely populated rural areas. Pennine Energy Innovation has developed a unique and "dignified" waterless toilet which uses special technology to separate...

Catégorie: Eau

La technologie mobile 4G fait son apparition en Angola


La compagnie de téléphonie mobile Movicel a lancé la semaine dernière à Cabinda son réseau LTE/4G, qui permet l'accès rapide à l'internet sur téléphone...

Catégorie: TIC

Sénégal: 13 millions USD pour l'accès à l'eau potable en milieu rural


Les régions de Tambacounda, Kédougou et Matam, au Sénégal, vont bénéficier d'un programme d'amélioration des conditions d'hygiène et d'assainissement...

South Africa wants nuclear contracts to stay at home


Reuters - 23 April 2012

JOHANNESBURG, April 23 (Reuters) - South Africa wants to see its firms eventually being awarded the bulk of the contracts in its $50 billion plan to build six nuclear plants to power Africa's biggest...

Catégorie: Energie

Africa: U.S. in Drive to Boost Africa's Energy Supply

25/04/2012 - 24 April 2012

As I fly over Africa at night - a regular occurrence in my job - the continent is an indelible image of sporadic pinpricks of light that identify the largest cities and towns, with millions of...

Catégorie: Energie

Russians eye South Africa’s nuclear plans


Summit TV talks to Ivo Kouklik of Rosatom, the Russian state atomic energy company, about its aim to get involved with the roll-out of nuclear power generation in South Africa

Catégorie: Energie

AfDB seeks to support transport infrastructure project


The African Development Bank (AfDB) has confirmed its interest in supporting the improvement of transport infrastructure between Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia, The Star has reported.

According to Gabriel Negatu, regional...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Shell envisage d'investir 4 milliards USD au Nigeria


Shell souhaite investir quatre milliards de dollars d'ici 2015 dans les infrastructures énergétiques du Nigeria.

« Shell évalue des nouveaux projets onshore au Nigeria, qui augmenteront la...

36 millions USD du FADES pour la construction d'un port à Djibouti


Le Fonds arabe pour le développement économique et social (FADES), basé au Koweït, a accordé un prêt de 36 millions de dollars pour la construction du futur port de Tadjourah, au nord de...

Catégorie: Transport

Scientists discuss ways to extract water supplies in Africa


The continent of Africa - Libya, Algeria and Chad, in particular - is currently sat on a vast reservoir of groundwater, a group of scientists have claimed.

Many Africans, of course, struggle for access to clean drinking water -...

Catégorie: Eau

Tanzania announces plans for new water wells


Over the next four years, as much as TSh15.2 billion (£5.9 million) will be spent to construct and drill water wells in Tanzania, East African Business Week has reported.

Experts hope that the move will help to curb the poor...

Catégorie: Eau

La Côte d'Ivoire a besoin de 552 millions USD pour ses infrastructures d'électricité


La Côte d’Ivoire a besoin d'un investissement rapide de près de 552 millions de dollars afin de combler son déficit de production d'électricité, selon le directeur...

Mozambique: Roads Preferred to Rail Because of Costs

23/04/2012 - 22 April 2012

Maputo — Mozambican Transport Minister Paulo Zucula told reporters on Friday that South African mining operators prefer to send their mineral exports to Maputo port by road because of the...

Catégorie: Transport

Zimbabwe debt to soar above US$8bn


The Standard - 22 April 2012

ZIMBABWE’s penalties and arrears to bilateral and multilateral creditors continue to accumulate, with the external debt projected to grow to over US$8 billion by the end of this year, a Cabinet...

Catégorie: Infrastructures générales

Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe disburse $70m


News Day - 23 April 2012

The Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ) disbursed close to $70 million to fund 32 infrastructure projects in the first three months of the year.

The bulk of the projects...

Catégories: Eau, Transport, Infrastructures générales

South Africa: Web Africa scolds deja vu Dept. of Communication innaction


Business Tech - 20 April 2012

Web Africa CEO, Tim Wyatt-Gunning says that within the context of the staggering inaction by the Department of Communication (DoC) over the past decade, the latest call for an ICT policy overhaul...

Catégorie: TIC

South Africa: It's simple: Telkom keeps the costs up


Business Live - 21 April 2012

With announcements on new undersea cable and plans to rejuvenate telecoms policy, South Africans can be forgiven for wondering when landline broadband costs will come down.

Although the ICT...

Catégorie: TIC

Improving Nigeria’s internet presence for economic prosperity


Business Day - 23 April 2012

Undoubtedly, the Nigeria’s Information Communications Technology (ICT) sector has witnessed phenomenal growth in the last decade, and has emerged as the leading mobile telephony market in Africa...

Catégorie: TIC

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