2541 results:

Nigeria set for power infrastructure upgrades

Nigeria set for power infrastructure upgrades The Nigerian minister of power, Professor Barth Nnaji, has announced that the government is to make a concerted effort to improve power infrastructure…

Cameroun: 79 millions USD de l'AFD pour Lom Pangar

Cameroun: 79 millions USD de l'AFD pour Lom Pangar L’Agence française de développement a accordé jeudi dernier un prêt de 78,9 millions de dollars au Cameroun afin…

Lancement d'un programme de développement des TIC en RDC

Lancement d'un programme de développement des TIC en RDC Le gouvernement de la République démocratique du Congo a présenté un nouveau programme de développement du…

Nigeria: Aviation minister reveals details of new airport

Nigeria: Aviation minister reveals details of new airport The Nigerian minister for aviation, Princess Stella Oduah, has announced that the government will award a construction contract for a new…

Lancement officiel du câble de fibre optique WACS

Lancement officiel du câble de fibre optique WACS Le gouvernement sud-africain a annoncé vendredi dernier le lancement du câble sous marin de fibre optique WACS. «Le gouvernement…

Kenyan govt announces infrastructure improvements

Kenyan govt announces infrastructure improvements The Kenyan government has claimed that more than 1.5 million citizens in the country are set to benefit from a series of infrastructure…

ICA Annual Meeting 2012 to be held from 11-13 June in Tunis

ICA Annual Meeting 2012 to be held from 11-13 June in Tunis The 8th Annual Meeting of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) will be held on June 11th-13th, 2012 in Tunis, Tunisia to discuss…

Uganda set for road infrastructure improvements

Uganda set for road infrastructure improvements Yoweri Museveni, the president of Uganda, has commissioned the construction of the Gulu-Nimule highway, the New Vision has reported. And Mr Museveni…

Burkina Faso: Lancement de travaux de réhabilitation sur sept barrages

Burkina Faso: Lancement de travaux de réhabilitation sur sept barrages Le ministre burkinabé de l'Agriculture et de l'Hydraulique, Laurent Sedogo, a lancé samedi dernier les…

Zimbabwe: Victoria Fall's airport set for redevelopment work

Zimbabwe: Victoria Fall's airport set for redevelopment work The international airport at Victoria Falls is set for major redevelopment work over the next few months, it has been confirmed. Indeed,…

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