2541 results:

African leaders call for acceleration of infrastructure development plan

African leaders call for acceleration of infrastructure development plan In order to make the necessary infrastructure improvements in the continent of Africa, as much as $60 billion (£38.2…

Gabon : La BM octroie 58 millions USD pour la fibre optique

Gabon : La BM octroie 58 millions USD pour la fibre optique La Banque Mondiale a accordé un prêt de 58 millions de dollars au Gabon afin de financer la connexion du pays au câble…

Mozambique to fund road repairs on dozens of routes

Mozambique to fund road repairs on dozens of routes A Mozambique council is to invest 50 million metcais (£1.21 million) in repairing and improving its roads to help boost the local economy. …

Tunisie: Démarrage des travaux de construction de l'autoroute Oued Zarga-Boussalem

Tunisie: Démarrage des travaux de construction de l'autoroute Oued Zarga-Boussalem Les travaux d'aménagement du second tronçon de l'autoroute A3 ont été…

L'Egypte va produire 3500 MW à partir de l'énergie solaire

L'Egypte va produire 3500 MW à partir de l'énergie solaire Hassan Younes, ministre égyptien de l'électricité et de l'énergie, a annoncé mercredi 23 mai…

AfDB grant to help improve South Sudan and Ethiopia water facility

AfDB grant to help improve South Sudan and Ethiopia water facility The African Water Facility will provide a €2 million (£1.6 million) grant to help provide multi-purpose water resource…

Tanzania: AfDB extends loan for road improvement work

Tanzania: AfDB extends loan for road improvement work The African Development Bank (AfDB) has announced that it has extended the loan that it has given to Tanzania for the construction of…

South African govt considers funding models for infrastructure projects

South African govt considers funding models for infrastructure projects The South African government is currently exploring various funding models for its ambitious infrastructure improvement…

Nigeria minister reveals plan to reconstruct Cameroon link road

Nigeria minister reveals plan to reconstruct Cameroon link road A minister for the Nigerian federal government has announced plans to rebuild the Nguru-Gashua-Bayamari road in Yobe State, which is…

La 4G bientôt en service au Maroc

La 4G bientôt en service au Maroc L’Agence nationale de réglementation des télécommunications (ANRT) va commencer les travaux d’étude de l’installation…

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