2541 results:

South Africa: ICT industry receives funding boost

South Africa: ICT industry receives funding boost ICT infrastructure in South Africa has been handed a significant funding boost by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which has ploughed…

South Africa: Transnet announces infrastructure upgrades

South Africa: Transnet announces infrastructure upgrades Transnet SOC Ltd, the state transport company of South Africa, is to pump as much as 300 billion rand (£22.9 billion) into upgrading…

Cameroun : Deux nouvelles centrales solaires vont produire 35MW d'électricité

Cameroun : Deux nouvelles centrales solaires vont produire 35MW d'électricité Le ministère camerounais de l’Energie et de l'Eau a signé le 4 juin un accord avec…

South Africa: Mogale City set for dramatic transformation

South Africa: Mogale City set for dramatic transformation Mogale City in South Africa is set to become one of the top economic growth areas in the country after it was announced that as much as R5…

Nigerian power infrastructure set for boost

Nigerian power infrastructure set for boost The Nigerian government's concerted efforts to boost power production in the west African state are starting to bear fruit. That is according to James…

Loan agreement set to boost Kenya's electricity infrastructure

Loan agreement set to boost Kenya's electricity infrastructure The Kenyan and French governments have announced that they have reached an accord over a loan deal that will lead to significant…

Malawi handed money to construct mini hydropower project

Malawi handed money to construct mini hydropower project The US government has thrown its financial muscle behind plans to construct a mini hydropower project in Malawi, it has been announced. …

Ghana : Le Brésil finance la réhabilitation de l'aéroport de Tamale

Ghana : Le Brésil finance la réhabilitation de l'aéroport de Tamale Le gouvernement brésilien va financer les travaux de réhabilitation de l'aéroport international de Tamale…

South Africa: Zuma hails electricity upgrades

South Africa: Zuma hails electricity upgrades South African president Jacob Zuma has hailed the impact of recent infrastructure upgrades in helping to drive economic growth in the country. In…

Le Danemark finance un programme d'eau et d'assainissement au Niger

Le Danemark finance un programme d'eau et d'assainissement au Niger Le Danemark s'est engagé à accorder au Niger un soutien de 32,7 millions de dollars afin de financer  un…

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