2541 results:

Nigeria: Infrastructure plan receives funding boost from World Bank

Nigeria: Infrastructure plan receives funding boost from World Bank The Nigerian government's plan to enhance agriculture and industrial development has been given a significant boost, with the…

La BAD finance un projet de facilitation de transport sur le corridor Lomé-Ouagadougou

La BAD finance un projet de facilitation de transport sur le corridor Lomé-Ouagadougou La Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD) a approuvé le 27 juin dernier un financement de 278,6…

Nigerian govt signs lucrative energy deal

Nigerian govt signs lucrative energy deal The Nigerian federal government has announced that it has reached a deal with South Korean firm Daewoo Engineering and Construction to provide 10,000MW of…

Tanzanian govt announces new ICT project

Tanzanian govt announces new ICT project The government of Tanzania has announced plans to start construction work on a Silicon Valley-style environment which will be used to enhance education and…

Cameroun : L'UE octroie plus de 22 millions USD pour la route Maroua-Magada

Cameroun : L'UE octroie plus de 22 millions USD pour la route Maroua-Magada L'Union Européenne (UE), a signé jeudi 28 juin une convention de financement de 22,6 millions de dollars…

Côte d’ivoire : 340 millions de dollars pour un nouveau pont à Abidjan

Côte d’ivoire : 340 millions de dollars pour un nouveau pont à Abidjan Une somme de 340 millions de dollars a été mobilisée auprès des bailleurs de fonds pour financer le…

Sokoto state government completes road infrastructure projects

Sokoto state government completes road infrastructure projects The Sokoto state government has announced that it has completed construction work on a new road system in the region, Leadership…

Kenya secures loan for energy sector upgrades

Kenya secures loan for energy sector upgrades The energy sector in Kenya has been given a significant boost by news of heavy investment from the European Union and France. It has been revealed that…

Ethiopia set for new rail network

Ethiopia set for new rail network Government officials in Ethiopia have announced that the country has agreed a deal with Chinese and Turkish firms to help finance an impressive new rail system in…

Nigerian govt announces construction of new road network

Nigerian govt announces construction of new road network The federal government of Nigeria has announced that it has reached an agreement for the construction of a new road network, Daily Trust…

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