2541 results:

Video: Reshaping South Africa's ICT Sector

Video: Reshaping South Africa's ICT Sector ABN digital: Reshaping South Africa's ICT sector is a key priority especially within the broader infrastructure roll out planned by the government, which…

La Banque islamique renfloue le Sénégal

La Banque islamique renfloue le Sénégal Une convention de 680 milliards FCFA vient d’être paraphée entre la Banque Islamique de Développement et l’Etat du Sénégal. La stratégie africaine d’Ahmed…

1 milliard FCFA pour entretenir le Bassin Congo-Oubangui-Sangha

1 milliard FCFA pour entretenir le Bassin Congo-Oubangui-Sangha Les 5 ministres des pays membres de la Commission Internationale du Bassin Congo-Oubangui-Sangha (CICOS) ont arrêté à hauteur de 1…

Building Africa's Green Economy

Building Africa's Green Economy Think Africa Press: Africa’s energy demand is forecast to dramatically expand as rapid urbanisation and economic growth push consumption to new heights. Yet the…

Nigeria: The Fears, Anxiety Of Sustaining Improvement In Power Supply

Nigeria: The Fears, Anxiety Of Sustaining Improvement In Power Supply Leadership: If all goes as planned, it is expected that by the first quarter (Q1) of 2013, the privatised generating companies…

Africa and Denmark Join Forces to Promote Investment in Sustainable Energy

Africa and Denmark Join Forces to Promote Investment in Sustainable Energy Justmeans.com: Denmark has a long history with Africa. From the 17th to 19th centuries, the relationship was primarily…

Speech by AfDB President Donald Kaberuka: African Economic Integration - Time to Raise the Bar

Speech by AfDB President Donald Kaberuka: African Economic Integration - Time to Raise the Bar Dr. Donald Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank - Speech at the Annual Conference of Speakers…

Africa's Chance to Lead

Africa's Chance to Lead HydroWorld.com: Stupendous in magnitude, the Grand Inga project envisages 40 GW of hydropower capacity in the Inga valley, some 250 km west of Kinshasa on the Congo River…

Video: Energy in the Wind - a Moroccan wind farm produces green energy

Video: Energy in the Wind - a Moroccan wind farm produces green energy Deutsche Welle: As Morocco's economy grows, it needs more and more energy - some ten percent more each year. A new wind farm…

Finland to fund energy projects

Finland to fund energy projects The Observer: Now that Uganda has entered the Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) with other southern and East African countries, aiming at boosting the use of…

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