2541 results:

EAC in renewed rail, road, energy push

EAC in renewed rail, road, energy push newvision.co.ug "Implementation, implementation, implementation," were the closing words from Diarietou Gaye, the World Bank country director for…

Handing Africa the power to charge ahead

Handing Africa the power to charge ahead huffingtonpost.co.uk Can Obama's 'Power Africa' Initiative Double Access to Electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa? Following in the footsteps of his two…

US Announces Power Africa Initiative

US Announces Power Africa Initiative Remarks by President Obama at Business Leaders Forum. Hyatt Kilimanjaro
. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 7:30 P.M. EAT PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Thank you. …

Rehoboth Sign-Up to Cellphone Banking Pre-Paid Electricity

Rehoboth Sign-Up to Cellphone Banking Pre-Paid Electricity AllAfrica.com First National Bank (FNB) has partnered with the Rehoboth Town Council to sell pre-paid electricity to Rehoboth residents…

Africa's Tech Engines

Africa's Tech Engines AllAfrica.com App and software developers are springing up in Africa’s tech-savvy markets. Better engineering training and a few breakthrough stories could promote long-term…

The world’s fastest-growing continent

The world’s fastest-growing continent economist.com Celebrations are in order on the poorest continent. Never in the half-century since it won independence from the colonial powers has Africa been…

Industrialization, Infrastructure, Trade Topped South Africa Talks

Industrialization, Infrastructure, Trade Topped South Africa Talks AllAfrica.com Last week, President Goodluck Jonathan led a delegation to the World Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa, which opened…

President Jammeh Pledges Electricity for Marakisa

President Jammeh Pledges Electricity for Marakisa AllAfrica.com The Gambian leader has pledged to provide Marakisa Ward in the Kombo Central District of West Coast Region (WCR) with uninterrupted…

November 19th: World Toilet Day

November 19th: World Toilet Day World Toilet Day is observed annually on 19 November. This international day of action aims to break the taboo around toilets and draw attention to the global…

Nigeria: 'Gombe - Our Roads Are to Stimulate Economic Growth'

Nigeria: 'Gombe - Our Roads Are to Stimulate Economic Growth' AllAfrica.com - interview Gombe — Engineer Hadi Shehu Usman is the Gombe State Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure and is …

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