2541 results:

Tanzania: JK promises to speed up water, power supply in rural areas

Tanzania: JK promises to speed up water, power supply in rural areas The Guardian President Jakaya Kikwete has said the government will, through its Rural Energy Agency (REA), expedite supply of…

Africa's road infrastructure requires attention

Africa's road infrastructure requires attention Bizcommunity.com With the road access rate in Africa being only 34%, compared with 50% in other parts of the developing world and transport costs…

After lost decades, hopes rise for Congo dam to power Africa

After lost decades, hopes rise for Congo dam to power Africa
 Reuters Deep in the bowels of the giant Inga hydroelectric dam that straddles the mighty Congo river stands a fading map named…

Underpinnings of Sustainable Growth in Africa

Underpinnings of Sustainable Growth in Africa
 The African Executive In May 2000, the Economist magazine labeled Africa the "Hopeless Continent," claiming that natural disasters, mass…

Kenya lauds AfDB for funding key infrastructure upgrade

Kenya lauds AfDB for funding key infrastructure upgrade Xinhua Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday welcomed the African Development Bank´s financial support for upgrading of a regional road…

Growing internet use in Africa ‘to lift contribution to economies’

Growing internet use in Africa ‘to lift contribution to economies’ Business Day Growing use of the internet in Africa could add $300bn a year to the continent's gross domestic product (GDP) by…

Too Much Public Funding is Going into Coal Projects in Key Countries: Preliminary Findings Show

Too Much Public Funding is Going into Coal Projects in Key Countries: Preliminary Findings Show The Huffington Post Since 2007, over $59 billion of public financing has supported coal projects…

The Future of Water Sustainability

The Future of Water Sustainability The Economist Multinational companies have historically taken water availability for granted. But this is changing. A 2013 World Economic Forum report named water…

POWER-GEN Africa's big plans for 2014 conferences

POWER-GEN Africa's big plans for 2014 conferences African Business Review With more than 2,100 attending last year's inaugural POWER-GEN Africa 2012, organisers expect 2014 to be a big one for…

A quelle énergie africaine les USA s'intéressent-ils?

A quelle énergie africaine les USA s'intéressent-ils? Libération Jocelyne Sambira, d'Africa Renewal écrivait dans un article 12 novembre 2013 que dans cinq ans l'Afrique pourrait connaître des…

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