2541 results:

China loans 48 million USD to Cameroon for an electricity generating station

China loans 48 million USD to Cameroon for an electricity generating station The Chinese government has recently agreed a loan of 48.3 million Dollars to finance the hydroelectric plant at Mekin in…

Bridge between Senegal and Gambia to be completed soon

Bridge between Senegal and Gambia to be completed soon Senegal Head of State Abdoulaye Wade has announced a project to construct a bridge between his country and Gambia at a meeting of the Council…

World Bank: Rail network will change Uganda

World Bank: Rail network will change Uganda Completing Uganda's rail network would be good for east Africa as a whole and would make a big difference to the country's economy and regional…

India and China taking part in the refurbishment of infrastructures in the DRC

India and China taking part in the refurbishment of infrastructures in the DRC The electricity generating plant at Katende, which supplies the West Kasai region, is soon going to be serving the East…

Cameroon to get £30m for hydro-electric project

Cameroon to get £30m for hydro-electric project The governments of Cameroon and China have signed a loan agreement through the Exim Bank of China for the execution of the Mekin hydro-electric plant…

Nigeria 'has undertaken 1,106 power projects'

Nigeria 'has undertaken 1,106 power projects' The minister of power Dr Lanre Babalola announced at a press conferences this week that the Nigerian government had undertaken 1,106 energy projects in…

Algeria: More than 40 billion US Dollars to increase electricity production

Algeria: More than 40 billion US Dollars to increase electricity production Forty two billion Dollars: That is how much Sonelgaz, the Algerian energy company is planning to invest in the production…

China may help fund Kenya's Northern Corridor project

China may help fund Kenya's Northern Corridor project Plans for road and rail lines linking Kenya to southern Sudan and Ethiopia could be funded by Chinese investors, the Financial Times has…

Tunisia: Two huge wind power and hydroelectric energy projects under way

Tunisia: Two huge wind power and hydroelectric energy projects under way Two wind power generating centres are currently under construction in the region of Bizerte, in Tunisia. The total amount…

PPPs to develop ICT in Nigeria

PPPs to develop ICT in Nigeria Public private partnerships (PPP) could be the key to encouraging ICT infrastructure investment in Nigeria, it has been suggested. Speaking on the heels of the recent…

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