2541 results:

AfDB 'to support infrastructure programmes'

AfDB 'to support infrastructure programmes' The African Development Bank (AfDB) will continue to invest in infrastructure in order to improve regional integration in the continent of…

South Africa to build world's largest solar energy park

South Africa to build world's largest solar energy park South Africa has unveiled plans for what will be the world's largest solar park, which will significantly improve the energy…

EU gives Tanzania money for climate change programme

EU gives Tanzania money for climate change programme The EU has contributed €2.2 million (£1.9 million) to Tanzania to help the country improve its infrastructure in the fight against…

Better internet infrastructure 'could help Africa develop'

Better internet infrastructure 'could help Africa develop' Africa has to improve its internet infrastructure in order to improve its chances of progress, one expert has claimed. Kunbi Oguneye, chief…

Kenya energy project to increase connectivity

Kenya energy project to increase connectivity An energy infrastructure project in Kenya is aiming to bring electricity to one and a half million more people and businesses. It is all part of the…

ADF gets more funding for low-income countries

ADF gets more funding for low-income countries Countries in Africa may be able to benefit from infrastructure grants after the African Development Fund (ADF) was replenished with $9.5 billion…

Zuma: Africa's transport infrastructure has to improve

Zuma: Africa's transport infrastructure has to improve Jacob Zuma has called on the transport infrastructure of Africa to be improved. The South African president, noted that without better roads…

Africa's transport infrastructure can help regional integration

Africa's transport infrastructure can help regional integration The development of Africa's transport infrastructure has played a big part in improving regional integration, one expert has…

Nigeria requires improved electricity infrastructure

Nigeria requires improved electricity infrastructure More infrastructure projects are needed in Nigeria in order to improve the electricity supply it generates. Frost & Sullivan energy and power…

South African solar energy park 'will happen'

South African solar energy park 'will happen' The South African government has vowed to continue with its plans to create a solar energy park. It could be providing electricity to the national grid…

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