2541 results:

Kenya: Lancement d'un vaste projet de port en eaux profondes

Kenya: Lancement d'un vaste projet de port en eaux profondes L'Ethiopie, le Kenya et le Soudan du Sud ont annoncé vendredi le lancement du projet de construction du port de Lamu, au Kenya, rapporte…

Kenya Power lays first underground cable

Kenya Power lays first underground cable Kenya Power has announced that it is near to converting the overhead power lines to an underground cable system in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, as well as…

How mobile broadband can transform Africa

How mobile broadband can transform Africa CNN - February 27, 2012 Editor's note: Dr Hamadoun Touré is secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union -- the U.N.'s specialized agency…

UAE’s Etisalat expanding in Africa

UAE’s Etisalat expanding in Africa bikyamasr - February 29, 2012 CAIRO: United Arab Emirates leading telecommunications company Etisalat announced on Tuesday that it was boosting its capacity on …

How to Step Up Financing for African Infrastructure

How to Step Up Financing for African Infrastructure International Monetary Fund - February 22, 2012 Africa can step up investment in its infrastructure by augmenting traditional sources of …

South Africa: Sanral to lend support to R22bn roads maintenance programme

South Africa: Sanral to lend support to R22bn roads maintenance programme Creamer Media's Engineering News - February 28, 2012 The South African National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral) has been…

La technologie mobile 3.75G lancée au Kenya

La technologie mobile 3.75G lancée au Kenya Le fournisseur de services en télécommunication Airtel Kenya a lancé le 24 février 2012 la première plateforme 3.75G du…

Près de 20 millions USD pour le réseau routier sud-marocain

Près de 20 millions USD pour le réseau routier sud-marocain La direction régionale du transport et de l'équipement de la région de Guelmim-Smara, au sud du Maroc, a…

Nigeria: Country Locked in 'Energy-Finance Trap'

Nigeria: Country Locked in 'Energy-Finance Trap' allAfrica.com - 28 February 2012 Last Thursday witnessed the closing ceremony of the three-day Africa Energy Indaba 2012, in Johannesburg, South…

East Africa internet access slows to a crawl after anchor snags cable

East Africa internet access slows to a crawl after anchor snags cable The Guardian - 28 February 2012 The old theory that a butterly flapping its wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of…

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